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The Selden Cadets Alumni want to thank the Bugler's Hall of Fame and St. Kevin's for hosting this show. Selden's day started off relatively uneventful until the bus engine decided to become a Saturn rocket somewhere in the middle of Rhode Island. The driver was able to safely get the coach to the side of the highway and have all of us evacuate. With fire extinguisher in hand, our newest drummer, John Sharpe put out the fire. The bus driver then allowed us all to get back on the bus and wait for another coach to come so that we could continue to our destination.

True to drum corps ingenuity, in the three hours we had to wait for another coach to come from Boston to pick us up, three of our guys, Glenn Kubacki, Fred Tyra and Dave Abrams Googled a pizza place and set off through the woods. Almost an hour later they returned with six pizzas and cokes for the entire corps. Meantime, we turned lemons into lemonade and had a great time.

Almost three hours later the coach arrived and we continued our journey to the show. We made it just in time. Anthony Convertito switched positions allowing Selden to take a breath, put on uniforms.

We had a great time performing for a really appreciative audience that enthusiastically received our show. :thumbup:/>

After the show, we got back on the Boston bus and the driver drove us to a Mac Donald's in Rhode Island where he had us off load our equipment in front of the building so he could get his coach back to Boston. We had to wait almost another two hours for a coach to come from New Jersey to pick us up!...Altogether, we on loaded and off loaded three coaches a total of eight times that day.....ah well....just another typical day in the life of some drum corps nuts! :doh:/>

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Thanks for coming! I enjoyed your performance. Sounds like you had quite the adventure.

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