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Everything posted by xandandl

  1. That question goes as far back as the First Rules Congress (1972) when the question of whether or not Flag Pre. should still remain mandatory was discussed. (Some thought that if we dropped it then we'd lose the veterans at any contest, inividuals buying tickets not just posts sponsoring corps or contests.. Time has told otherwise.)
  2. Complete with John Mackey commenting on listening to Cadets camp: http://yea.org/programs/cadets/cadets/news/1169-new-music-by-mackey-for-the-cadets
  3. Of course, you would be flown first class and treated in the manner to which you are accustomed. The legal question would be whether the renter, the rentee, DCI, or the corps in a rotation basis or divided by the number of performances they do get to keep the frequent flier miles?
  4. Is this another scheme of DeNovi, Gibbs, Jacobs, and crew where we will eventually be paying for the recaps like the FN, recaps that will probably be copyrighted as well? Relish? Mike you are making me hungry and not just for the scores.
  5. Great to hear (pun intended.) But what did you do to get him to take the cigar out of his mouth? :-) God bless "The Old Man"!!
  6. She wrote some great work when she was on Cadets staff; she was also a great Cadet. Glad to see others still benefiting from her teaching.
  7. Perhaps some of the DCP posters will take the challenge and update regularly... Jim Low Bari, Screamer, Ream, Cappybarra., 9Russians...??? all much more tech savvy than I will ever be (I would nominate Tekk but I don't want to get him in trouble with POTUS; besides Tekk would probably have to eliminate us if he told us...)
  8. Opener, Appian Way, link has been corrected. refer post 1374 in this thread. cf. John Mackey's linear notes to WDS to see where a bridge to PoR might give a show theme... Also, trombones used in Appian Way (Part 1), concert French horns in Part II. "Go to the video" as Howard Kosell used to say.
  9. Better follow-up to this dated article is Don Warren's quite cogent comments about the passing of his friend and colleague Bill Howard, both founders of DCI, as posted on today's DCI website. http://www.dci.org/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_OEM_ID=33500&ATCLID=210677190 Two very great men. "Cavaliers founder Don Warren remembers Bill as “a sincere leader,” adding, “He was easy to work with and was quite a congenial person, a high class person.” Howard and Warren used to meet in each other’s homes to discuss the future of the drum corps activity. “We worked together on rules changes and what we wanted to try,” Warren said. “I told him I wanted the Scouts to be right up there and a strong second to us, and he’d laugh about that. We thought pretty much alike, as he was all about drum corps and the kids. He worked hard to get the best corps possible on the field.”
  10. Coming soon to a band show near you...............DCI two seasons later. https://youtu.be/qrp9wVO_74U
  11. word for today! Watch out or the crankies will start complaining 'cause they only do words with four letters.
  12. So to make it easier, what we have thus far is: Opener, Appian Way, Pines of Rome (Ensemble 1/31) https://video-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpf1/v/t42.1790-2/12681041_882409121857272_1710714609_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjEwMDgsInJsYSI6MTM4OCwidmVuY29kZV90YWciOiJ2M180MjZfY3JmXzIzX21haW5fMy4wX3NkIn0%3D&rl=1008&vabr=560&oh=8d263bf2b58e2bdac76cb524f9e228a6&oe=56AFAB45 Pines of Rome (First Movement, part 2) Ensemble 1/31 https://video-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpt1/v/t42.1790-2/12666054_165769910462682_12368577_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjg4MCwicmxhIjoxMzYwLCJ2ZW5jb2RlX3RhZyI6InYzXzQyNl9jcmZfMjNfbWFpbl8zLjBfc2QifQ%3D%3D&rl=880&vabr=489&oh=ed107dcbc82224b4c0a0288882589801&oe=56AFA4E9 Learning Wine-Dark Sea (Brass total sectional) 1/31 https://video-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xlp1/v/t42.1790-2/12653868_1691906017689872_763501453_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjMwMCwicmxhIjo1MTIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoidjNfNDI2X2NyZl8yM19tYWluXzMuMF9zZCJ9&rl=300&vabr=165&oh=2fd8d7d66a09d4c717eca9d458c066cc&oe=56AFA0DA Prelude to Closer (Wine-Dark Sea) [Ensemble] 1/31 https://video-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpt1/v/t42.1790-2/12680818_458895680987463_1515018594_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjY2MiwicmxhIjo1MTIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoidjNfNDI2X2NyZl8yM19tYWluXzMuMF9zZCJ9&rl=662&vabr=368&oh=690db5a8eec5bb336bcb055c4aadc192&oe=56AFA0CC https://video-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xlp1/v/t42.1790-2/12653868_1691906017689872_763501453_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjMwMCwicmxhIjo1MTIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoidjNfNDI2X2NyZl8yM19tYWluXzMuMF9zZCJ9&rl=300&vabr=165&oh=aaa37b890597d4e394d8756136d4768b&oe=56B0034A
  13. What a great man. a founder of DCI. My condolences to all in the Madison Scouts family.
  14. which is why I didn't mention the first corps to play PoR in DCI. Now back to Cadets '16.
  15. And he red-eyed back to give them the latest from the DCI meeting before camp dismissed.
  16. Did Boston have anyone from Regiment 98, Star 91 or Cavaliers 83?
  17. adding Andy Poor is pretty rich! With the brass team selected, I look to hear a line as wonderful as Spirit of old.
  18. https://www.periscope.tv/w/1BdxYzRBMrlKX https://www.periscope.tv/w/1PlKQlXWzdnxE
  19. Drill design possibilities are wide open...
  20. are you talking Indy or Foxboro? or Foxborough? I hear it is quite a working camp at Pennington, NJ with sections and subsections being diligent.
  21. Oh, Garfield! Trying to out Fox(boro) him I see.
  22. This is where we could all use a Michael Boo blog about now.................................."Live from the Holiday Inn ducking planes at Stapleton East.... and here's what's happening...."* All DCI twitter and FB are giving us are ancillary glimpses...how to spend more money for knick-knacks, etc. and photos of the DCI royal court personages. We want the meat, not the garnish. The cognoscenti gatekeeping the release of CC '16, BD '16, Bloo '16, and SCV '16 show info must have taken DCI media hostage as well. Stand by. *yes, I know that Stapleton was the old airport and that DIA is the new. I was being funny.
  23. Wisconsin winners, Greendale, played Mackey's Wine-Dark Sea as part of their 2015 field show. https://youtu.be/6X2oQl-IKnM The name comes from Homer http://www.nytimes.com/1983/12/20/science/homer-s-sea-wine-dark.html and is borrowed by several much later authors for various works. http://ostimusic.com/blog/wine-dark-sea-the-program-note/ Obviously the piece is doable on the field as Greendale has shown, alides with the Roman theme in the opener from a literary point, and just awaits the amazing field show this design team has as its challenge,. What will we hear this weekend with DCI Rules Congress and DM campalso in Colorado while the Cadets practice in NJ?. I hope there will be periscopes.
  24. Don't forget to drink it on one foot only for all the characterizations modern drum corps does! (as they model Crossmen's "Above and Beyond", Blue Knights "Avian", Cadets "Tame the Perious Skies", Crown's "Out of this World", and Regiment's "On Air.')
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