CrownGUARD Taking Year Off In 2011

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The Carolina Crown mission ?Developing lifelong excellence in young people through a superior and challenging performing arts education experience? has held strong with the most recent competitive seasons for both the CrownGUARD and the Carolina Crown drum corps. It is also the desire of maintaining this excellence throughout the organization that has driven the Board of Directors to vote for the CrownGUARD program to be placed on hold for the 2011 season. With the involvement of many people and hours of discussion the decision was quite difficult and took many days to come to the final plan for 2011.

Jim Coates, CEO of the Carolina Crown stated: ?The evaluation of recent history and projection of the short term future concerning economic environment of our fundraising landscape does not live up to the expectations of excellence desired within the organization. The organization is committed to world- class levels of services concerning all facets of any program. This includes staffing, program design, facilities, fan entertainment and most important, the quality of the experience for the members. It is with these important elements that create the organization that is Crown.?

Read the rest of the article here


Posted by on Monday, September 13th, 2010. Filed under Winter Guard International News.