60 Years History Of Junior Drum Corps Jong Beatrix
Ahead of the official celebration of Jong Beatrix junior drum corps’ 60th anniversary, the corps placed a three minute movie online, describing the 60 year history of this young sister of Beatrix ‘Drum & Bugle Corps.
“From Drum (and – Piper Corps) to Junior Drum Corps” is the subtitle of the film, comprising the period from 1956 to 2016.
2016 is for Vereniging Beatrix Korpsen a special year, because both Jong Beatrix and Beatrix are to celebrate their anniversary (60 and 70 years respectively). On September 17, there will be a reunion held in Hilversum, where everyone is welcome who has played with Jong Beatrix, Beatrix Beatrix Brass.
Jong Beatrix celebrates their 60th anniversary this weekend with their members. In two weeks time, the members enjoy their holiday. After that, Jong Beatrix will start with the preparations for the German Open in Hameln in August, where she will defend her 2015 title.
The anniversary film: https://youtu.be/pDYg7FlEIWc
Website: www.jongbeatrix.nl