June 2016 Jack Petchey Leader Award Stephanie Friend
Thurrock Marching Brass is pleased to confirm approval of their 2016 Jack Petchey Leader Award, which was nominated in June 2016.
The recipient of this award has worked tirelessly over the past several years to pull together our parent base, and drives this incredible group as chair of Thurrock Marching Brass’ Parents & Supporters Association. An often thankless task, but one in which Stephanie has really excelled at.
Stephanie is a full time school teacher of year 1 students at Lincewood Primary School in Langdon Hills, Essex, and mother of two young TMB members; but she still finds time to dedicate herself to driving forward much needed fund raising efforts as well as organising fun days for the whole TMB family to enjoy. Even the big kids in the staff enjoy those.
She is one of Thurrock Marching Brass’ greatest assets, and we are absolutely thrilled at her achievement.
Speaking of the award, Thurrock Marching Brass chairman, Paul Morgan comments “There are so many positive things about the Jack Petchey Foundation and how it supports youngsters and leaders of organisations that support youngsters, and this leadership award really does drive home that if you work hard, set a good example and continue to support the work that ultimately support the achievements of youngsters that you can quite rightly be recognised for those efforts. Stephanie is an incredible person and role model. Her volunteer efforts have been numerous and continued; all to ensure that the youngsters in our organisation receive the very best opportunities that we can provide for them. Her management of the TMB PSA has been exemplary, and the knowledge and expertise that she brings has been on many occasions the reason why many of our events have been successful ones. A band mum too, she also knows the excitement, and the trials and tribulations of parents who help to nurture and guide their own youngsters through the marching and performing arts. I couldn’t be any prouder of Stephanie for this recognition, and I speak on behalf of the entire board and everyone at Thurrock Marching Brass when I say a huge congratulations to Stephanie. Thank you for all you have done, are doing, and will do to support our youngsters into the future.”
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