In The News – ‘Clash Of The Corps’ Is Putting DCI Stereotypes To Rest

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Each section of Drum Corps International is known for its own personalities. In the music world, trumpet players are considered loud and egotistical. Meanwhile the color guard are seen as nerdy, and snare lines are thought of as arrogant, and in your face. This all varies from team to team, and the cast of Clash of the Corps says there might be some degree of truth here. But it’s not the whole story.

“That’s kinda just what comes along with the gig; you gotta act some way and have to have a persona, but usually when people meet us, they find out we are very soft-hearted and we love each other a lot,” says Sean Robert Clark of the Blue Devils snare line.

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Thursday, September 22nd, 2016. Filed under DCI World.