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Everything posted by FLBuzcut

  1. Really enjoyed Colts. They look smaller than usual but big, nice sound! Very impressive for first show.
  2. It's right across from the sports fields. I'm at a widow seat watching PR hornline doing dance warm-ups. My how things have changed.
  3. I'm at Acapulco Restaurant around the corner from the stadium. I think Colts are warming up across the street. I'm so psyched for this!
  4. Just got to Muncie. No sign of it having rained anytime recently and weather.com says very little chance before 11pm. Yay!
  5. Just saw Old Bridge Elementary Drumline. So smol I can't stand it!
  6. I added this topic so I could post some pics but can't figure out how. I don't think the topic shows up in DrumScorps. Sorry, folks.
  7. Just got to the stadium after a filling lunch at Shapiro's. Meatloaf today. Jersey Surf is up.
  8. I'll be in blue as well, but a different blue (more like bloo).
  9. 1984 Suncoast Sound, when the girl dances in front of the wall and loses her balloon. 1987 Sky Riders, West Side Story, at the end when the black and white factions come together and embrace. 1987 Cadets, Appalachian Spring, the tag ending when they play themselves off the field. 2003 Spirit, during "October" when the big flags come out with images of Zingali, Royer and Ott (I think that's who, if I recall. It was hard to focus through the tears). 2011 Scouts, New York Morning, at the end of the violent section when everything stops and the corps members look up in horror. There was one snare drummer who visibly wept each time they performed in Indy and every time it tore me apart (okay, I might be crying now...). 2014 Blue Knights, That One Second, when the narrator talks about her grandmother's hands and how her skin was like paper, and the closer. 2018 Cadets, The Unity Project, From Ara Batur to the end. A) because it was so beautiful and B) because the Cadets still existed. 2019 Blue Knights, I Remember Everything, from Hurt to the end. 2019 Carolina Crown, Gabriel's Oboe, simply because it's so beautiful.
  10. We get tickets in a different section each day but we'll be in 141 on Thursday so I'll come by and say "Hi."
  11. ready for some Boxer. posted from the DrumScorps app
  12. Bluecoats guard is killing it. They're not flashy, just quietly awesome.
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