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Everything posted by apoch003

  1. One of our scenicruisers. We had three!
  2. GAWD I loved our scenicruisers! What a great bus that was!
  3. Sigh! Some photos just can't be saved with my equipment... :(
  4. I had better corps moms than my own mother.* I miss you all! Barb Ready, Bonnie, Mrs. Hadden, Mrs. Maxwell, hell even Janet Dietz! My love to you! *(I had to find the money to fund my own way through corps, including working at the bingo hall.)
  5. I'd venture a guess that it was more a Zingalirude (new word for the day!) comment than a naughty pic.
  6. That was our own Randy Graves on the French Horn. He later was the primary hornline instructor from 1980 through 1983. I'm his successor, and even if I say so, I wasn't half bad myself.
  7. We all need more cowbell! But, aren't you still in Warrington? How will you make practice?
  8. Me! Ever heard my solo? THAT'S under rated!!
  9. I never realized that Zingali had such a smokey voice. Very haunting.
  10. Argos had them too! AWESOME bus rides in those things. Looking out over the top of the bus at the sunrise/sunset. I'll never forget.
  11. Trust me Ron, you wouldn't wanna play 1980. However, 1983, 1985, 1987 are all good Argo years.
  12. Where's the Argonauts? Oh... and the 88 skyriders "Unknown" is "The Sound of Music ".
  13. Of course every corps has one of these... It's BUDDHA BOB!!! And our corps logo...
  14. Ghost and his mighty STICK lead the charge! Photos courtesy of another legend in the Argonauts, Bill Bowles.
  15. I'm getting emails about Ghost, so here's another... Ghost and his machine...
  16. You heard it because it was true! You know those grainy films of Bigfoot? Well, there's your answer.
  17. I KNOW!!! :P The uniform company was supposed to give us "BURNT ORANGE" not Bright orange. Then the plumes were supposed to match the unis. Which of course, even if the unis were correct, STILL wouldn't have.
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