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Dennis Argul

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Everything posted by Dennis Argul

  1. On behalf of the Bushwackers, our deepest sympathies to the Magnuson family and all the members of the Kilties. May you find strength and peace in knowing that the thoughts and prayers of ALL of the Drum Corps community are with you. Peace, Dennis
  2. 8. Bush shows everyone that the HYPE was real all along. I think you can count on that one. :)
  3. Speaking on my own behalf (but I bet the Bushwackers would agree with me), I would like to wish ALL the competitors the best of luck this weekend! Get to Scranton safely, have terrific practice sessions, and memorable performances!! Then when the weekend is over, we can all go back to real life and start all over! Looking forward to leaving it ALL on the field and having the best DCA ever! Peace, Dennis :)
  4. I like the stadium. I will miss not having Finals there. Great ice cream. Nachos are good too. :)
  5. Whoa......... I guess Bush's snare line is mean after all.
  6. Dave if you have to ask, then I guess you'll never know! Watch ES Saturday night.....they are mean. Yo. :)
  7. The Bushwackers snare line is a bunch of sissy marys. They enjoy going to Broadway shows and critiquing the chorus lines. I actually caught them at a quilting bee in Lancaster, PA. Little girls they are..... B)
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