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Everything posted by Ghost

  1. Does she understand what the theme of these shows are? Maybe the folks requesting a show send her the reader's digest version of what the show is all about and how the music ties into it and certain drill moves.
  2. I use Booking.com all the time when travelling for softball tournaments. Whether the whole stay was cancelled or didn't need to arrive the day before our first game, there have never been any issues. Hope your issue Tim is just a blip in the system.
  3. There's always the Saturday afternoon Mass which allows you to sleep in a little longer on Sunday.
  4. The younger generation probably says the same thing, but inserts The Soprano's for The Godfather.
  5. Your opinion Jeff, or you were told this? (Should have read the previous post.)
  6. If that were to happen, there’s a good chance even more corps would have folded or tried to merge with another corps or two.
  7. During the years I did some sports team coaching and many years of refereeing several sports, I learned quickly that a one on one worked best for the athlete and me. No throwing anyone under the bus. It helped me be a better CO. Well, at least the inmates felt better since they new what to expect. "At least we know CO how you run your unit and what to expect if we see you in the sally port. You're consistent, show no favoritism, don't embarrass us, and never bring your outside issues inside." (Brings a tear to my eye.)
  8. Oh, I've seen this many times. I was thinking there was an ending where it was done similar to the two stabbings in 08. Guess retractable swords are hard to come by.
  9. Never saw the finals ending. Maybe it'll show up on line.
  10. After a couple of minutes, had to stop watching. The lack of smooth video movement was too much. Was that a beer on the ground in Part 1?
  11. “Now Ms., if you would follow me, we have a great selection of portable a/c units in beautiful accent colors.”
  12. "If it bleeds, it leads" has been around probably since newspapers/television began.
  13. With shut downs still taking place in CA, the senior softball Western National Championships (women and men)have been moved to St. George starting on 8-11. Hope today's news article doesn't hurt that happening. https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/news/archive/2020/07/17/rmw-player-in-large-st-george-softball-tournament-tests-positive-for-covid-19-prompting-partial-cancellation/#.XxNxrihKhPY
  14. The talent of Ms. Opie. https://www.gbtribune.com/news/business/champions-in-training/
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Waw7pvF1ZSk Well, millions of children have seen this movie/movie clip.
  16. Time for a new photo with you two in your Vogmasks.
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