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Everything posted by corpsband

  1. honestly i think that's how that guy writes about every corps. he's like DrumManTx
  2. more importantly -- will there be more playground equipment on the field?
  3. I dunno -- did you get a look at those two drum majors? Sure looked pretty arrogant to me
  4. more from the same channel. i think her spin on Fall Out Boy is pretty cool! pop ballads -- if you arrange them right -- always seems to twork well on the field.
  5. Someone just shared this channel with me and clicking through I ran across this. Thought it would be kind of a cool ballad. (btw girl was 15 in the vid -- 17 now. youtube is both a wasteland and wonderland).
  6. Actual full article http://ascendperformingarts.org/blue-knights-bahrain-daily-blog-post-4-12-16/
  7. continuing on ... the hornline uniform was just spectacularly effective in a live setting. but as we all know, uniforms don't matter
  8. Well..."fast for fast's sake" is what you said. I'd disagree with you about fast drill being "hard". There's a point at which just keeping your feet in phase does physically become a struggle. There are also some respiratory challenges -- create enough demand for oxygen and you'll have to breathe regardless of what the where the music is marked up to breathe :-) As I said -- I understand your intent here. I just think that particular expression is wildly and inaccurately used. Drum corps is very much about doing hard #### because it's hard.
  9. no worries. i think the cinecast deal has worked out well for Fathom ,DCI, and fans alike.
  10. yes. http://www.dci.org/ViewArticle.dbml?ATCLID=211315065
  11. i understand your sentiment but I think this expression is void of meaning. it's like saying "don't do difficult things because they're difficult". marching, spinning and playing with excellence is difficult to do. should performers not do that? i mean -- i get there needs to be coherent design and things need to make sense. but within ] that design is a range of choices from "easy" to "difficult". corps try to maximize the "difficult" to score and place well. anyway -- that expression is annoying. corps and fans want to see "do hard things because they're hard". to say otherwise is just a bit ridiculous. </soapbox>
  12. these RSS generated posts would be really useful if they just linked to the original article. as it is, you click through to another click through to maybe get to see the content. poor;y implemented feature. should just go directly to: http://ascendperformingarts.org/blue-knights-bahrain-daily-blog-post-4-11-16/
  13. Carolina Crown Winter Camps 2017 It is delightful that Carolina Crown’s winter and spring camps are open to those of us who grow restless for the real deal through the long off-season. While the corps might only be at the forming stage of the triumvirate forming-storming-norming, it is impressive to witness exactly how a group of brass players from disparate schools, backgrounds, and experiences ultimately become the inimitable CrownBRASS. From the dedicated alumni who are now on staff—Corey Futrell, Katie VanDoren, Kevin Leboeuf, Gilbert Villagrana, Dylan Toombs, to name a few—to larger-than-life legends Matt Harloff, Michael Klesch, Ben Harloff, and a host of others, it is amazing to watch such disciplined, expert, and nurturing instruction, which ultimately culminates in a Jim Ott Award-winning brass line. Focus here is on the brass, as February and March camps are brass only, while guard, battery, and percussion personnel are steeped in the winter guard competitive season. While observers do not necessarily hear enough of the impending show to discern the theme or understand how it enhances the visual design, there are hints of superhuman passages characteristic of CrownBRASS. Many observers exclaim, “If this is what they’re like in March, imagine how amazing they will be in July and August!” During the March camp there were several passages where it was difficult to imagine the brass becoming much cleaner or more interesting. But as we all know, Crown will ratchet up the quality and uniqueness as time progresses. read more on Crown's website: http://www.carolinacrown.org/index.php/connect/latest-news/170-carolina-crown-winter-camps-2017
  14. didn't you hear? Crown Imperial ! suffice it to say that the list is a bit odd looking at first. If Crown follows their normal routine, the official announcement will probably come a week or two after their next camp (28-29-30 April).
  15. there's plenty of material there to avoid retreads as well. heck there's plenty of material available in the 2017 program to make things sound very different.
  16. i'm enjoying the confusion on other forums. people see the repertoire and even more confused. it doesn't make any sense at all face value. but comes together once you hear the thread. im am so curious about the visual aspects of this. i can envision wondrous Jeff Sacktig interpretations.
  17. mea culpa mea culpa mea maxima culpa i can't read stupidity and let it go. so now - i just can't see the stupidity. *plonk* is wonderful sound.
  18. IOW half skirts. nobody wears a cape on their waist. i don't like 'em - flowing fabric is only there to hide dirt. (and besides that they look stupid! )
  19. except it's not gonna happen. the "industry" is scratching and clawing but they are doomed and they know it. eventually enough artists are going figure out that the fans will directly support them -- without a middle man and all that baggage. self publishing will be cheap and painless. the artists will actually make far more, the fans will pay far less, and the middle men will be left in the cold. unfortunately for us we get to live in the death throes of an irrelevant industry desperately trying to take it's last breath.
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