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Everything posted by ApathyJones

  1. Oh cool, the flickering camera is back! Nailing it once again Flomarching!
  2. Feed on mine seems to be about the same quality as usual but it flickers every so often lol...so far, so bad Flomarching!
  3. OMG, one of the guard totally got hit with the last thrown rifle while laying down.
  4. Can someone throw me a PM with the link too please? :)
  5. Have they announced if they are actually gonna at any point show the actual shows from Cadets and BD? Seems light on the actual end product so far lol
  6. I love that show, but visually that was pretty awful...how are you gonna have people out of step on finals night?
  7. I've seen them live...just saying opener seemed flat tonight. Still my 3rd fave show of the season so no big deal :)
  8. Man, the guard in the closer was freaking amazing! The double rifle stuff and the flag feature was perfect! Amazing show.
  9. Hey hey, I just wanted to say this is a super cool post and I am glad you did this! Respect for you up +10000000% :)
  10. Wait... You actually think SCV has the better drum line right now? I don't know man. That seems to be pretty obviously incorrect. The SCV show is my 2nd favorite of the year but come on lol. This year's BD drum line is insane.
  11. Yeah, works on my PC and iphone just fine, but I can't stream those to my Samsung tv like I can my android phone. I don't know why I expected something from DCI to actually work :)
  12. LOL, just decided against my better judgement to sign up for the live pass for 100 bucks, downloaded the app for android, go to start the live feed and the app crashes lol. And support chat is broken lol. It's pretty hard to support DCI nowadays.
  13. I honestly think this may be one of the all time great brass lines by the end of the season. Hell, might be an all time great drum line too for that matter :)
  14. For sure! Also mellos in the closer are cooking :)
  15. lol touche, hopefully it grows on me over the season which has happened before :) I think I am on an every other year I love the Cadets show kind of kick recently :)
  16. Well, besides Appian Way I am not digging pretty much any of the Cadets show :( Bummer for me because it seemed like a good idea.
  17. Oh, if you are fast enough and want to save these, a site like www.keepvid.com will download the video for you if you paste in the URL of the youtube video :)
  18. Nope I thought it was pretty obvious that BD outperformed PR that night, just lost due to "emotions".
  19. Seems a bit busy but overall not too bad. It isn't Troopers level of bad for sure :) I love me some Troopers but man...
  20. As far as I remember, as long as the show is still live you can rewind and stuff all you want, but once the event is done, it is all gone. So unless you can make it back I would say like halfway thru the event so that you can skip all the in between show stuff and just watch the shows by rewinding then it would be worthless to you.
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