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  • Your Drum Corps Experience
    5 YEARS
  • Your Favorite Corps
  • Your Favorite All Time Corps Performance (Any)
    Star of indiana 1989/Hurcs 1991
  • Your Favorite Drum Corps Season
    1991 Hurricanes
  • Gender
  • Location
    Seymour, Connecticut
  • Interests
    Everything that makes me feel good and you feel better.<br />My wife and 2 kids future and well being.

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homersopranopower's Achievements

DCP Veteran

DCP Veteran (2/3)



  1. Great show............. first off kids from england.....surprised me. in the lot their hornline was incredibly tight.... on the feild there was no shake from the trip over and awe of the crowds....their drill was really good and pulling some semi dci moves......awesome show over all I had them 2nd..... bush.....their entrance is really cool they add a presence to their small hornline with style. cabs have changed a few things and are really playing to the crowd.......their guard was on tonight... hurcs for shure had a confidence tonight that seems to have been missing.... The kids from england....are gonna turn some heads in finals.........they have a chance for top 5. they are much better than an 83...
  2. I'm sure the Hurcs are gettin ready to step off Go get em hurcs SHOCK THE WORLD!
  3. What is the largest seating capacity stadium on the circuit? Bridgeport kennedy stadium is around 10,000.
  4. Hey ray why don't you lighten the F^%$#$##$ up and give prop's to the picture I took already!
  5. This time do not bring Adrian Peterson and especially Brett they are getting ready for a super bowl run. hope you understand. Safe travels and have fun.
  6. As much as I can't believe it is possible, Barring the Greatest Marching miracle ever you are probably right. But there are 5 other corps with a fighting chance and I think a good fight we will see.
  7. SCOUTSCAV your right, Hell why bother going or waiting for the scores to appear (it's A done deal) LOL at you! No disrespect, but NOBODY has come closer to the Bucs this year than the Hurcs. n that's a FACT.
  8. I would say Crown's rendition of "PUCK" at my company banquet and Hurcs mag 7 at my funeral. I know I wasn't the greatest member for them and made some poor choices during my membership but hearing mag seven from my grave would best taps from the air force any day!
  9. Wow things are getting a little testy on a very positive wonderful dca season. This is one of the best seasons competition wise of all time for me. It's been a real treat. for the guy complaining about facilities and such I recommend you let the directors of the corps handle it. Yes brigs snares are great! all 5 were getting down, and Yes empire's snare line crabbing the crowd while walking off was amazing. But the corps which has made the biggest stride this year is the Hurcs. The brigs, Bush and Empire has had their share of the big trophy and the Hurcs will likely come up short but they have accomplished great things this year. Liz thank you for the compliment's of the pics. I had A great view. If anyone would like a copy send me a pm.
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