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Everything posted by tedrick

  1. Came across a really interesting podcast on Jack Kerouac's On The Road - TD Mischke Roadshow: Episode 148 / Ridin' with Jack https://www.google.com/url?q=https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-mischke-roadshow/id877077889?i%3D1000568380781&sa=D&source=hangouts&ust=1659051671894000&usg=AOvVaw1OFxaD_Tc_YvcSpbb_RvcL
  2. Could someone list the props reused in this show?
  3. I really like the props - were these the props from Bluecoats 2019?
  4. Hi Rudy - Thanks for posting an interesting question here in the historical forum - I have been lamenting the change in the activity. I realize that creative art can not remain static but... I was thinking this morning and the thought percolated up in my mind that to compare drum corps from differing eras is much like comparing art from different periods - we can compare a Rembrandt to a Picaso - we can acknowledge that they are both artworks in the medium of painting - but wow! What a difference!! I agree with your points about drill and visual being driven by the winter activity - another interesting aspect of modern drill is that it's designed on a computer vs. paper - when writing drill on a computer the designer is aided by infinite paths and possibilities for the transition from set to set - writing drill on paper... not so much - the transitions are limited to the drill writers creativity - where as on a computer, the PC can suggest infinite insanely crazy possibilities -- We could go on and on and we would probably agree on your point - but ultimately, the past is past and the activity is only going to move forward -- Perhaps there will be fads and fashions that refer to old styles in drill design.
  5. Designers need to realize that a helmet makes a drum line look more uniform - if you look uniform, the viewer says to themselves, "Wow! That drumline is just one uniform unit - they are like a machine!!! They are so clean! I think that's a really excellent drumline." A drumline that is not in a helmet or headgear is a group of individuals and the viewer looks at them and notices how young, inexperienced, lost some of the members look -- this gives an uninspiring look - the viewer is not impressed with the beats -- the viewer is distracted by that one geeky looking kid, or the cute girl -- ect ect ect.... Think about what you're trying to communicate designers....
  6. Great show Phantom - my one quibble would be the lack of helmet - the corps would look so much more bad ### if they were in the helmet.
  7. Keytar leads a screaming re-entry of Hey Jude!!!
  8. I am a Yay on the Blue Coats current show ending I like the current ending - hopefully they don't feel like they need to tinker with it every show until finals... question: is the sampling that they are using during the space chords in the ending sampled live as it happens and reinforcing the final chord, or is it just laid in? clip starts at 14:02
  9. would love to see some screen grabs of the old props in this show - was really neat seeing an old SCV Phantom of the Opera panel from 89!
  10. I agree! I wish Flo had the budget to do a bit of color/commentary - there would be very competent people here on the planet who would do it for free!
  11. Watch along stream - https://bit.ly/3uUkcZk should be some good commentary on Flo's camera direction - hopefully they choose high cam...
  12. If flo had any budget they would hire Courtney to do color alongside Steve R -- wouldn't that be a hoot! I'd like to see youtuber EMCproductions in the role of sideline analyst -- *then* flo would be cooking with Crisco!!!
  13. I think the original Poppycock sold his account to another user - ala Dread Pirate Scott or Matt Drudge -- it's not the same person behind the avatar --
  14. Did the Cavies have an extended sick outage a few years ago? I remember they marched several shows with many holes because people were out sick with a flu -- it was a show about sports or video games or something?
  15. Because it would demonstrate of how the judges start with a placeholder score as baselines and then adjust up or down as needed through the night - the earlier corps had conceptual scores that would be brought into focus based on the comparisons with the other groups as the night goes on -- releasing those placeholder scores would not be helpful to anyone -
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