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Everything posted by Corps_Efan

  1. I picked up 2 shirts from Pacific Crest yesterday and 2 from colts! They make great Christmas Gifts!
  2. If you love drum corps, and if you're reading this, I know you do, then support a corps by buying a tshirt from them! Make it a goal to purchase at least 1 tshirt from a different corps. The Open class corps have some great souvies!
  3. If you love drum corps, and if you're reading this, I know you do, then support a corps by buying a tshirt from them! Make it a goal to purchase at least 1 tshirt from a different corps. The Open class corps have some great souvies!
  4. I love the uniform change - especially the neon on the guard! It makes their arms pop for the drill within ten yards! I love the show until the guard dances in formation - it seems out of character to let them each do their own dance. My gut says they should be in unison.
  5. Going to go watch them at practice today. Going to cheer "abandon all hope he who enter here" tonight!
  6. A guy packs his bags and moves to the city meets a nice girl. Then is seduced by a fast girl. Then returns to the country?
  7. Loved the show today! The crowd really were behind them.
  8. Just picked up my Inferno shirt at the souvenir booth at Lucas Oil. They are selling pretty well! Sorry you didn't get yours yet! People are patting me on the back and telling me Go Crown because I'm wearing the shirt. The vibe is amazing!
  9. I like the neon and black. The guard uniforms are more modern. Loved the pr before the change and the fact that cadets are a favorite topic of conversation at shapiros.
  10. It's always better when a show has a sense of humor!
  11. @ channel3 No I'm not referring to the pacing. I'm referring to conversation which requires subtlety. Pauses are not enough. The two shows you mention are about 3 weeks from subtle. Neither interacts with their audience and both are simply over propped and under crafted. Crowns show has masterful subtleties without 8 sets of speakers and without a truckload of props.
  12. WOW Someone pumped up the crowd with a slow clap and a cheer for his little sister! What a great brother! Especially since he was a Bluecoat! I notice that the Cadets plays for the audience while Crown plays WITH the audience. The show feels like a conversation. There are natural pauses built in for a crowd response. Cadets, Bluecoats don't let the crowd respond and their show feels more like a lecture - THIS IS WHAT KINETIC NOISE SOUNDS LIKE and REVERE THE POWER OF TEN. Crown elicits and then acknowledges a crowd response by respecting the crowd. It's subtlety is masterful. This is what makes a good show great!
  13. Interview some members from other countries and ask how Drum Corps is percieved there. Do a name that tune show - I know folks who can name the tune, the corps that played it and which show it was in and sometimes, which YEAR. Talk about how members get sponsored, how people can raise money for tour fees...Talk to that Tiny Corps girl who sells stuff for tour fees on etsy! Talk about corps traditions and mascots - Sarah the ghost of GWest, or the secret spoon society... But please, please don't roll out that old chestnut about the kids with their pots and pans blah blah blah...
  14. It's everything - social media getting the word out for a sport that does not have the types of backers that the NFL does. "...and now, this drum corps salute brought to you by Campbell's Soup - cause it's mmm, mmm, good!" I like the "little Rascals-ness" of drum corps shows - the grassy fields, the soggy seating, the occassional shower...the in-your-face, up-close and personal sweatiness of it.
  15. Coats are doing something no one else has dared to do before - again. They take drum corps to the next level - again. They will prevail - again. PS: The guy in the ball is Zack and he is amazing. Zack was also the jumper last year.
  16. Always loved BAC shows for their GUTS and originality. I could always count on BAC to be controversial and spicy. Conquest needs beefing up - add some synths to the vocals maybe?
  17. The defining moments in drum corps are moments like this...Madison Scouts singing to Crown. That's when you see the power of unity of passion for a sport that turns competitors into friends. Such a thing cannot be taught nor bought...only experienced. And when experienced, it changes you for the better. That's why I love drum corps.
  18. You can make it to Shapiros Kosher Deli during a lunch break - it's a 5 min walk from the stadium. Shapiros has big windows and thin wooden chairs that screech on the tile floor, thick China plates and cups, enormous corned beef sandwiches, free refills, and a gorgeous display of desserts. Usually pretty full of DCI folks. Shapiro's Delicatessen 808 S Meridian Indianapolis, IN 46225 Mon-Sun 6:30am - 8:00pm
  19. 1. A criticism of female characters in movies with a male lead....or Madison? Lol 2. SCV - they make it looks very fun to play with electricity 3. Crown!
  20. Name that show! 1. A guy arrives in America from over seas, dates a nice girl, is seduced by a " bad" girl and then packs up and moves away. 2. A show all about shopping. She has a black hat, then buys a flowery hat, then exchanges it for a striped hat. 3. MMA fighters suddenly become friends and dance partners. 4. Methods for picking 10 lottery numbers. 5. Sleeping beauty and Cinderella were homeless at one time.
  21. Crown currently has the best, tightest, cleanest show on the field. Their show makes sense and is a visual feast.
  22. We started the chant in our section as soon as they stepped onto the field! The pit heard us!
  23. I am disappointed that the annoumcer trotted out that same speech about the kids playing with pots and pans today are the drum corps performers of the future, blah, blah, blah... It was sweet the first time I heard it. Now, it's just annoying that he doesn't have new material and just repeats last season's announcement.
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