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Everything posted by ThirdValvesAreForWimps

  1. That was some of the best brass writing I’ve heard in the last decade. I’ve written extensively on how everyone sounds the same now but the Blue Devils’ arrangers are just better. They voice the brass like a jazz band, not like a concert band trying to play jazz. That’s the best description or comparison I know to use.
  2. That was terrific, wasn’t it? It was like Pegasus in ‘80 and ‘82. I couldn’t get enough.
  3. That’s true — and not a deliberate slight on my part. I didn’t see much drum corps for some of those years. Thank you for reminding me.
  4. Remember, the Blue Devils still think they can win this whole thing! They’re going to play like it for sure.
  5. I feel horrible for the Scouts and their fans. They need to find five more points really fast or it’s over until 2019.
  6. Don’t hold anything back, men! Let’s hear that brass line all the way in the top row!
  7. This isn’t Glee or Pitch Perfect. I’m not sure you can sense my abject hatred for singing in drum corps. It adds nothing to the performance and reduces the best brass and percussion lines in the world to backup band status. If you go to a drum corps competition and all you remember is a singer, I think that’s horrible. DCI = Drum Choir International: What a joke my once great activity has become. This Saturday’s trip to DCI Finals will be my last.
  8. Iowa is the greatest cadence ever. I remember being totally spent after every show and after the audience got done cheering we heard Iowa and it gave us the energy to get off that field in style. You can’t help but move your feet to it.
  9. My brother is a percussionist in a major orchestra and Bolero makes even the most rock solid snare drummer nervous.
  10. 1. There is no competitive advantage to bring an all-male corps. 2. It is not sexist to support the existence of an all-male corps nor is it sexist to support the existence of an all-female corps. Back in the day the number of female corps far outnumbered the number of male corps and no one cared. 3. The Cavaliers will remain all-male. I marched with them and if I could go back and do it all over again I would still do the same thing.
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