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Jurassic Lancer

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Everything posted by Jurassic Lancer

  1. I am thinking of giving my 96 year old mother a pistol and one bullet for her birthday.
  2. Before Michigan goes on lock-down at midnight, I went to a the corner liquor store and bought a gallon and a half of bourbon and several bottles of wine. So no, I am not hoarding anything.
  3. The 1978 version. ‘79 was too dirgelike.
  4. Everyone I talk to has been aware of how fragile the activity is. A lot of us realized this even before covid-19 hit. How much more fragile is it now? A lot more.
  5. You’re right. Epinine, Cosette and Marius in the movie were great, too. But Russell Crowe? Woof! And sorry, Hugh Jackman was not a good choice.
  6. He really was the worst singer in a cast of bad singers (but Anne Hathaway killed it!)
  7. Here is a nice slice of encouragement for us: Cut and paste link if it doesn’t open automatically for you. https://www.google.com/amp/s/time.com/5807737/self-quarantine-meals-dad-coronavirus/%3Famp%3Dtrue
  8. BTW, you know the difference between a Barbie movie and a Tinkerbell movie? There is no difference. None at all.
  9. It was Tinkerbell movies today. I didn’t even know there were Tinkerbell movies.
  10. That would be me. I am watching my two young granddaughters at their house while their parents and my wife work from home at my house. Watching these movies is driving me a little batty! I think what I told Terri was, “If I have to watch another one, I may have to poke my eyes out!”
  11. Can we please respect @HockeyDad ‘s wishes and keep this an encouragement only thread?
  12. I am pretty sure Terri wasn’t referring to you and your frustrations. You and Britt definitely need some encouragement. I think Terri is referring to other threads that get off the rails and then closed.
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