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Jim Schehr

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Everything posted by Jim Schehr

  1. It's got to be frustrating. But if nothing changes nothing's going to change. That's why it is so important to get it right the first time.
  2. That's true and we haven't seen Cadets ending. Don't know what that will add in the way of numbers, but it could keep that Boston Terrier off the mailmans butt.
  3. IMO Boston has been held back. Can't keep those horses locked up for to much longer.
  4. Someone is about to make a move. Don't know who yet, but I got that feeling.
  5. This show is amazing. Sure there's work to do, but I really enjoy listening to the music.
  6. The BAC/Cadets dynamic is beginning to peak my curiosity.
  7. Let there be no doubt it's loud. It's all up close. If I want to see the visual I look up at the big screen. But we sit there for the music.
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