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Everything posted by Continental

  1. To this day, I love the subtlety of the ballad. I don't need to be hit over the head to enjoy the music in a corps performance.
  2. If you want to be taken seriously, then don't make comments like "Y'all its rough when you all do NO SEARCHING at all..."
  3. What also propelled Phantom to a different direction in '93 was the death of their drill designer, John Brazale, in '92. Please note the 3:15 mark in the attached video where Phantom's Director shows his displeasure with their 8th place finish.
  4. You mean the incident that was purported to have occurred in 2021 that people still continue to bring up?
  5. I read a story on the internet today about how the Lock Ness Monster will have to move elsewhere to find food because of global warming, and that this will be when it is finally discovered. I read it on the internet, so I suspect it's true. I usually wait for multiple credible sources before believing what I read.
  6. Can you please indicate what junk you are referring to.
  7. Please provide proof that this is what caused him to appear to have an injury.
  8. I don't think it was “disastrous.” Did anyone really notice how much Phantom used their props? How many times were they moving those tables to be part of a new set? Quite a bit. In some cases, more than necessary, but they still had them completely integrated into the visual. I felt there were also some issues with their design. The tarp-like covering looked like the cover one puts on a picnic table (flimsy) and I felt the line design on them was a bit distracting at times. I don't know the effort required to push them, but some guard members did not look like they had the strength to push them quickly across multiple yard lines as they were tasked to do.
  9. I support one of the companies owned by my employer. I commented once in a meeting, “It would be easier working with Helen Keller than this bunch.” More than once person asked who I was referring to.
  10. I predict BD will have a show called "Walk on Water." They will have nothing really associated with the title except maybe a boat prop, pictures of fish on flags, and perhaps a speech or two, but all the BD fans will say "They really do walk on water - it's even in the title of their show!" They will win DCI again.
  11. They just need to change the hat on the head to do a Burt Reynolds '70s tribute called "Smokey and the Band....It.
  12. He is listed as "Creative Visual Consultant and Lead Guard Designer."
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