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  1. And Percussion in 3rd! Such strides for Crown this Summer!
  2. Y'all should head over to the show thread. Evidently BC already has the silver and there is no way BAC stays 4th. Who knew?
  3. Remember, flo isn't a reflection of what is heard live.
  4. Anyone else nervous sitting on your couch in your pajamas? Just me?
  5. Drooped to 3rd with a slight margin. Back in 1st for Music. Still feeling good for tomorrow night.
  6. I am definitely not on the satanism wagon. Sorry if that was misunderstood. I really enjoy the show. It's a provocative theme. All good.
  7. Angels and Demons ... one of my favorites in the history of ever. From the show designer interview last night: "The white represents who society wants us to be. The inauthentic versions of us. The red is who we should be." Yes, the cross from the white robes is a jab at faith, per her own words. Doesn't take away from the entertainment value of the show. But it is what it is.
  8. The white robes forming a cross ... yeah, they do.
  9. Not at all, but it does take some jabs at the church and faith ... albeit subtle.
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