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  1. Hopefully your parents aren't being swayed by what a bunch of strangers say on an internet forum. Have them talk to your H.S. Band Director, or somebody else that they trust who's knowledgable on the subject.
  2. Mandarins' percussion scores were lower than all their other captions... it was a weakness for them.
  3. So ends and amazing year of DCI and a Top Shelf Show from the mandarins... They deserve all their positive accolades. I'm already looking forward to what they bring us next year. Hope all my Fellow Fandarins have a wonderful year and I'll see you all in 2025.
  4. It's been super fun comparing the captions between the Mandarins and vanguard. They've really been trading blows in every caption except percussing. Percussion seems to be Mandarins' weakness, where it is a total strength for vanguard. Otherwise the captions were too close to call last night. Bring it home Mandarins, have a great run tonight, and most of all, have FUN.
  5. Most Preferred 1. Mandarins 1. Scouts 3. Academy Least Preferred 1. Cavaliers 2. Crusaders 3. Vanguard Hard to pick a winner between Mandarins and Scouts, they both look incredible. Although I say i don't prefer the Crusaders uniforms, they do use them effectively. *Your Milage May vary.
  6. This ended up on my "favorite shows" list... Super cool show.
  7. Can't wait to see Mandarins' and Phantom's show one last time... They have really entertained me all season.
  8. PC represented California well... Nicely done!
  9. BDB outscoring Spartans in Brass and music at Semis. πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž A lot of people will say it doesn't matter because they lost, but I bet it means a lot to the kids and the staff... Nicely done!!!
  10. Mandarins taking a solid 7th in Brass. πŸ‘πŸ˜Ž
  11. Good score BDB... You put on a great show, I loved watching it all season.
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