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Everything posted by kdaddy

  1. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxnkxQmumqj/?igshid=M2MyMzgzODVlNw==
  2. So many great shows over the years - Suncoast, Magic, Glassmen, Scouts, and Troopers (that I can remember). Truly a legend. His music really defined the identity of Magic, and the 1996 edition is one of my favorites of his.
  3. Excellent point And I agree on this as well. A "good decision" is what goes into the decision process, not necessarily how well the decision works out. That's why I stress that it's important that the pool of candidates be diverse - that's the decision process. Whoever rises to the top after that after a fair process should be hired.
  4. Have we seen that story "too many times" though? Do hires in the name of diversity really lead to hiring people that aren't qualified? I feel like that is a theoretical concern. Sure, maybe it happened to us once, therefore we turn that anecdote into "oh, it happens all the time." But moreover, I think the point is (or at least the point from my perspective): take great steps to build a diverse pool of candidates and pick the best person you can. You can't hire a diverse group of leaders without intentionally trying to build a pool of candidates with those different perspectives. I think there's some truth to this. I'm an engineering professor. Our profession woefully lacks diversity, particularly relative to our student body (sound familiar?). We do our damnedest to build a diverse pool of candidates for faculty openings, but it's just tough, because that diverse pool doesn't exist. For us, it's "no matter how much you try to mentor me, I can make $80K with a BS, why go through several years of grad school to make $95K as a professor?" That is, our faculty don't effectively reflect our students because "I don't want that job." So while I think there's truth to the idea that the job isn't attractive, there's more to it than that. As a white guy, I see myself doing all kinds of jobs, because white guys have all kinds of roles. Not everyone can say that. Without the pipeline of black engineering professors or hispanic women caption heads, it's not so easy for students to see themselves in that role, therefore they don't set themselves up to pursue it. I think some corps are making efforts to build a diverse group of designers and caption leaders. More to be done, and it should be intentional. And we can't let ourselves treat anecdotes of a bad outcome as common occurrences that keep us from building those diverse pipelines.
  5. Good to see California being a small part of a holistic solution to a problem we will all have to reckon with sooner rather than later. And here's hoping that technology continues to improve to lessen the impact of infrastructure requirements and to reduce costs. Solar energy was once cost prohibitive but is now cost effective.
  6. You might be right, but I'd be surprised (and dismayed) if the new DCI president made as much as a college president.
  7. While I haven't gotten into most of the shows since Keith Potter left for BAC, I hope they have someone "better" lined up if they're going to make this move. Placement-wise, it's hard to argue with Subel's success (though many elements go into this kind of decision, presumably).
  8. I'm not sure if you're referring to his current role with Cavaliers (Artistic Director) or his 2022 role with Phantom Regiment (still listed on the Regiment website as Program Consultant and Choreographer). He was not the Visual Coordinator for Phantom Regiment in 2022. That role was more akin to the one held by Steven Estudillo.
  9. Presumably Adam Sage, new Artistic Director with the Cavaliers, will no longer be with Phantom Regiment. I think his role had diminished to more of a consultant role in 2022, so I suspect it's not a major loss.
  10. Nay, he was replaced by Matt Hartwell after the 2022 season.
  11. He was visual caption head at Music City in 2023, so it appears this is old news.
  12. And it seems Regiment's guard improved in 2023, so I suspect she had a hand in that. I was hoping she would stay involved in Rockford.
  13. Including Woodley, who was suggested above to not be involved
  14. Program Coordinator for Ronald Reagan? I thought that was Caspar Weinberger...
  15. Only a little late... https://www.scvanguard.org/vmapa-announces-new-ceo-and-plan-for-return-0f-santa-clara-vanguard-in-2024/?fbclid=IwAR0wJ_DmFo2JHOrL9nMzqxZu8VbXzlxOts8KvJH3yZIVrchAc2pMFs3uAiU Should we expect Vanguard to become a scramble band?!?
  16. We were indoors for quite a while. I only remember rain, but tornados in Oklahoma would track.
  17. I hope it's just this and not "we would fire our guy if the SCV guy is available."
  18. https://www.troopersdrumcorps.org/single-post/michael-lentz-and-jason-combs-added-to-lead-troopers-color-guard?fbclid=IwAR1fubwLm8juRldIbb9vxRrJP5EqdX-o_eIGJ4R9i5HPz-fVfqWyCi6KUfA
  19. He has an "AD" from Carnegie Mellon. Anybody know what that is? He has doctorate, MM, and BM degrees listed otherwise, so I'm guessing it's a certificate or something, but I'm curious what it stands for.
  20. Honestly, I haven't heard of Mason Daffinee. Anybody know anything other than what's listed in this announcement?
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