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  1. Bumping because I only just saw a video now. I really like this show! Unique shows like this are refreshing.
  2. 1) Anyone know what's being said out loud by the corps as they hit the box just before the Z pull? It might just be counting, but I don't recall hear it until this week. 2) I love that they adjusted the Z pull to be more similar to the original 3) I can't think of a longer, louder crowd reaction to show ending, ever and it's truly deserved. WOW 4) To the staff and members: you've done something this year that people will remember for a long time - THANK YOUI
  3. I guess Regiment should take it as a compliment that suddenly people (I'll assume fans of tops corps) are taking out stopwatches to time all the "park and barking" 🙂
  4. In case anyone missed my VERY IMPORTANT post in the Canton thread... I see Boston pulling a major update in Indy, going for the win: when they hit the infinity form in the closer, all pants turn purple (#purplepantsband) and they play the 2013 Crown closer. Now that's a time/space travel glitch! 🙂
  5. I see Boston pulling a major update in Indy, going for the win: when they hit the infinity form in the closer, all pants turn purple (#purplepantsband) and they play the 2013 Crown closer. Now that's a time/space travel glitch! 🙂
  6. Are there "charts" and "dots? Sounds like there are, but people say there aren't
  7. A football field is much larger. How do they teach a clean curves and blocks and lines????
  8. I keep hearing this, but I can't fathom how 150 people are taught where to go on the field at any given count or how the "drill" (that isn't really drill?) is cleaned. Can someone in the know share how this works?
  9. I'm not fretting any scores, captions or placements for the rest of the season. It's been a great ride this year, and I won't feel any different, no matter what the numbers say. Don't let the judges control how you feel.
  10. I've seen a few posts saying "the judges don't like this show". Maybe semantics, but it's not a case of liking or not liking. The judges are judging what they see and hear. It's major design decisions that we all saw at the first show.
  11. Just reading a few words of a few posts killed it for me. As they say, it's just marching band.
  12. If you think Regiment is getting the response they are because they turn up the volume dial, I suggest you watch and listen a few more times.
  13. I agree with your sentiments, but not all of your word choices. Regiment fan since the late 70s. Some reasons: Regiment doesn't get too artsy farsty, or "playing to the sheets" simply to get a higher score. Their shows, and especially their music has heart and emotion and power, and the shows typically feel designed for the audience. Not saying other corps don't also do this, but really trying hard to be a fan favorite while also designing a competitive show has its benefits. When a crowd says THANK YOU!!! at the end of a show, that's an accomplishment that some top corps don't always get. I'd rather get the audience responses Regiment is getting this year versus winning the Gold and getting golf claps. *Bluecoats are great this year and they are deservedly getting great audience responses. The golf claps comment is a general comment for some top scoring corps shows over many years. I'm already thinking about how much I will miss this amazing version of Regiment when the season ends all too soon. Hoping this vaults them to another level next year!
  14. Was thinking that, but not at the speed they currently spin them
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