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Cavano, Kayla


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Hello drum corps family!

My name is Kayla Cavano and I'm a Junior Music Education/French horn performance major at Miami University in OH. I have recently been contracted to march with The Blue Devils Drum and Bugle Corps and am looking for sponsors. With paying for school, rent, and many other expenses a typical college student has to pay, an additional $3,400 plus about $1,000 in flights to CA is too great an expense to bear alone. Marching with The Blue Devils has been my dream ever since I saw my first drum corps show in 2008. However, I can't do it by myself so I'm asking for your help.

After just completing our February camp, it's safe to say that this summer is going to be incredible. Being a music education major, there is nothing more valuable than marching drum corps and working with some of the best staff not only in DCI, but in the instrumental music activity. I can't wait to learn from this staff and become a better musician, athlete and educator.

Marching with The Blue Devils will give me the tools to change my future students' lives. We all remember the first drum corps show we saw. For me, it was 2008 Phantom Regiment that made me fall in love with the activity. I fell even deeper in love when I saw 2009 Blue Devils. I can't wait to have that effect on someone this year.

If you are willing and able, please consider making a donation to help me march this summer. My GoFundMe page is attached below, but if you would like a letter sent in the mail, send me your address and I will send one out.

Thank you so much for your consideration and for helping me make my dreams become reality!


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