Boston Crusaders Gillette Stadium Help Needed

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If you live in the New England area and care about the Boston Crusaders, we need your help with our events at Gillette Stadium. The concession stands at Gillette are staffed entirely by non-profit organizations like ours. For the past several years we’ve been behind the counter and in the kitchen at one of the Boston Common stands – and it has become one of our most profitable and reliable fundraisers in lieu of Bingo. But, it requires 20 or more people each football game, soccer game and concert. The month of September is incredibly busy at Gillette, which could mean more income for us, but we are currently severely understaffed. We need your help, and soon! These events help us continue to offset the costs from the summer tour. We are currently short volunteers for the following events in September.

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Wednesday, August 29th, 2007. Filed under DCI World.