2016 Blue Knights Drum Majors Revealed
The Blue Knights Drum and Bugle Corps is pleased to announce their 2016 Drum Major Team: Myles Giller, Diane Huseman, Sarah Jones and Daniel Belcher. All four drum majors went through a rigorous audition and interview process over the last two months at the BKXperience Camps in Denver. They were selected based on their attitude, conducting skills, strong leadership traits, and ability to commit to the Blue Knights in 2016.myles1
Myles Giller, from Sebring, Florida, marched mellophone his first two years with the Blue Knights in 2012 and 2013. He was selected to be drum major for the 2014 and 2015 seasons. In high school, Myles played saxophone and learned mellophone his senior year, which allowed him to audition for Blue Knights. This will be Myles’ 5th year and age-out year as a Blue Knights member.
Read the rest of the article here.