Phantom Regiment Launches $60 For 60 Campaign
As many of our supporters know, 2016 marks the 60th anniversary of the Phantom Regiment! With preparations for our 60th season underway, you have an opportunity to be involved in supporting Phantom Regiment in a simple, easy way. Introducing our $60 for 60 campaign (#60for60), aimed at raising $60 from everyone who has been touched by the organization in some way over the past 60 years.
This campaign provides an excellent opportunity to make a significant impact on the 2016 Phantom Regiment. Alumni, if you’ve lost touch, this is a great way to give back. Phans and Friends, what a great way to feel personally involved with the drum corps! For just the cost of a $5 latte per month, your contributions will help get the drum corps on the road during such an important year.
Read the rest of the article here.