2018 Blue Stars On Corps Competition
The Blue Stars Drum & Bugle Corps is pleased to announce the return of their annual “On Corps” competition for aspiring arrangers and composers! We invite individuals with an interest in arranging and composing music to submit their works to be considered for performance by the 2018 Blue Stars. The winning arrangement/composition will be performed as part of the corps` encore repertoire for the season.
All participants will receive feedback on their submission from members of the Blue Stars design and instructional team. Brighton Barrineau and Trevor Schachner, the winners of the 2017 “On Corps” contest, state:
“The ‘On Corps’ contest has opened so many doors for us as young arrangers! Through the contest we have experienced so much growth in our own writing from the feedback from the World Class staff at the Blue Stars, and hearing our arrangement played by one of the best hornlines DCI has to offer is a plus too. We recommend this contest to anyone and everyone at any level of arranging for the amazing learning experience that comes with it. We could not be more grateful for the opportunity the Blue Stars gave us and we wish all the contestants the best of luck!”
Read the rest of the article here.