2021 Cadets August Rehearsal A Success

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The Cadets held their monthly full-corps meeting Sunday night, as has become the routine since June. While we were unable to provide an immersive summer experience for our membership in 2020, our organization remains committed to providing them with a high level of support and education through this challenging year. Corps meetings continue into the fall to provide continuity between drum corps seasons and promote the well-being of The 2021 Cadets.

To maintain the feeling of drum corps rehearsals in a high school, the administration has creatively labeled their Zoom links “Gym,” “Auditorium,” “Dance Studio,” and “Cafeteria.” So, the full corps met in the Gym before breaking off into sectionals in their respective rooms.

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020. Filed under Current News, DCI World.