Cavaliers Mourn The Loss Of Gary Moore

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The Cavaliers celebrate the life of Gary Moore, who passed Over the Rainbow after his inspirational battle with cancer. We send our condolences to Gary’s wife, Arlene, and the rest of Gary’s family for their loss. Gary was on the tenor line in 1972 and the impact that Gary left on The Cavaliers organization, especially the young men of the 2021 Cavaliers, will be felt for generations.

In Gary’s own words on his recent visit with the Corps, “Every time a Cavalier dies, there is a hole left in the other’s hearts in the shape of a Standing Man — We share an indescribable bond that can never be taken from us. We are The Green Machine.”

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Thursday, July 15th, 2021. Filed under Current News, DCI World.