Heat Wave Drum Major Auditions

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Heat Wave has enjoyed a long history of strong Drum Majors. Below are a few questions you may have concerning the Drum Major position.

What is the Drum Major expected to do?
The most visible responsibility of the Drum Majors at Heat Wave is to conduct the group in both competition and other venues, focusing on expressing their role as a prominent performer. However, our DMs do much more than just their job on the podium. The DMs also assist in logistical support of the Instructional and Support Staff at virtually all events, and help to communicate the ideals of Heat Wave to members and the public. We are looking for a confident, proactive individual who will support the objectives of the staff on a rehearsal, performance, and organizational level.

Read the rest of the article here.

Posted by on Thursday, November 23rd, 2006. Filed under DCA News.