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Everything posted by jhngreenwald

  1. These All-age groups will go to any length to get effect points!
  2. Andy: located a supply of your favorite "Gatorade" at the local Publix. Only you can drink that stuff in Grape!
  3. And they made it into the mid-60s But dropped the "Satan" title became "The Bellefontaine Angels" some time in the late 60's. 1968 I think, a merger between the "Angels" and the Marion Cadets took place. Marion, that year marched around 60 horns, which was huge for that time!
  4. You were always able to ground timpani, Kilts did in 78 other people also. BUT they were still considered marching members and had to mark time when they played. If you remember, there was a timing and penalties judge who kept track of the corps moving, and the corps were required to move a certain amount of time over the entire show! Cut down on "Park and Barks"
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