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Posts posted by TopBass

  1. Either way, Scouts are Back! They had more clapping and audience involvement in the theatre I was in than all but the top four corps, COMBINED!

    I hope they make finals only because it will help recruiting for next year. As far as I'm concerned, my brothers had the most successful year they possibly could have!

    Thank you Spanos, Petersen, and everyone on the design team for a wonderful show. That hornline power (BYBO - yeah mellos!), that drumline rock (bassline popped more than any other corps on the big screen), an in-your-face masculine guard!

    [eyes up, high voice] LOVED IT!

    My check is in the mail!


  2. Not in dollars but drum corps has cost me a lifetime of back pain and bad knees, stupid drums.

    But also is where I met my wife and all my closest friends so I'd pretty much have no social life without it. Fair trade!

    Plus, at my old job I could roll step around the office and not spill my coffee like all the other idiots, heh heh.

  3. Dues haven't changed that much, eh?

    1994 - $400 Dues + $150 Housing Fee = 550

    1995 - $300 Dues + $150 Housing Fee = 450

    1996 - $250 Dues + $150 Housing Fee = 400

    Total $1400

    Now that's a bargain! Four hour drive one way with gas split between 2-4 people. No camp fees, we always crashed at a local's house so no housing fees during the winter. Some of the local guys even paid the housing fee because anyone who stayed at the Regent with the Scouts in the mid-90's knows that was some of the most fun you had all tour! Dunk-or-dine at 2am after bar close, everydays didn't start until Noon (12-9), walking to State Street, Your Open Panty across the street, sneakin' into Camp Randall before leaving on tour, those were the days!

    I paid my dues with an inheritance but I don't know how I would pay tour fees now. I would have found a way, I'm sure, but it would have probably taken me out of college for a year. Yeah, that's right, I'd skip college for drum corps, not the other way around. You can ALWAYS go to college and you'll be working the rest of your life anyway, you can only march Juniors until you're 21! (well, now 22 sometimes)

  4. Plans are to field a full corps of 128 with highly structured and time managed rehearsal schedules.

    He's great at this. When I marched Scouts under Scott he would hand out the green sheets with our schedule for the next six-eight weeks at a time. It said we were pulling into Fridley, MN at 2am and I checked my watch as we pulled in: 1:58am. Amazing considering I got the sheet four weeks prior.

    That is but one of Scott's many talents!

    Can't wait to see what the Kilts are up to next year!

  5. Very well written post!

    I was so disappointed that more members of MN Brass weren't there for this. The corps came out a day earlier to support I&E (and better prepare for finals, of course) but they still practice so hard the day of and have such an early call the next day very few people wanted to stay out until midnight.

    I felt like I was at a concert, a raucous awesome Drum and Bugle corps concert. The pace was so awesome, there wasn't much downtime at all.

    It was definitely an event!

    I think it should start earlier next year so it doesn't run into the next day, however.

  6. Well the bass ensemble scores were a joke. I think the winning group had a 50 something? The second place group had a 30 something. And finally, my wife and her crew netting a 14? Are you kidding me? I think one could drop their shorts on the street a leave a pile behind and score better than that! What gives?

    Maybe the judge was comparing it to last year's bass ensembles still, now THIS is a bass ensemble!

    We got a 96 with a 1 point penalty for being two minutes over time.


  7. I just had an intriquing thought. What if drum corps members DID get paid? What is each position in a corps worth? In an ideal world everyone would get paid the same, right? Shyeah, right. With the egos and cliquey nature of corps already you think a lead sop screacher is going to accept the same pay as a third? Me neither. I've only met one or two screamers without egos so big you can't get within five feet of their heads. ha ha, j/k. Ok, not really.

    What would be the max and min? Would trumpets get paid more than contras or other low brass? Would section leaders get more?

    Lead trumpet -$50k

    2nd - $35k

    3rd - $27k

    Lead Mello - $40k

    2nd - $35k

    3rd - $27k

    Lead Bari - $41k

    2nd - $35k

    3rd - $27k

    Lead Euph - $43k

    2nd - $35k

    3rd - $27k

    Lead Tuba - $40k

    2nd - $35k

    3rd - $27k

    Snare captain - $50

    Center snares - $45k

    End snares - $35k

    Tenor captain - $45k

    Tenors - $40

    Bass captain - $100k

    Basses - $75k

    Cymbal captain - $45k

    Cymbals - $40k

    Pit captain - $50

    Marimbas - $45k

    Vibes - $45k

    Rack #####es - $24k

    Drum Major - $50k

    Backfield conductors - $27k

    Heh heh, what do you think? Basses provide the beat for the corps, hence the large gap. Most important section!

    Yeah, can you imagine the cliques that would develop now?

    Food for thought.

  8. I just got caught up on this thread and...

    Ahhh, all is right in the world, MBI is back in 5th.

    BrownieBrick, you crack me up with that long post, you must be a blast at parties!

    Call me old school but if the crowd likes your show then it was a good night. The crowd in Eau Claire absolutely loved MBI that night and ate up everything they had to give. Over half of the packed stands stayed for the encore and they got two standing O's. Whatever else happens this season you can't take that away from them.

    Have a great rest of the year MBI! Keep up the great work!

    Just please don't practice over 6 hours on a show day again, it tired me out and all I was doing was holding a camera all day...

  9. First off, the dude who wrote "Bologna on hand sandwich" made me laugh, that's an awesome drum corps memory right there.

    Best Drink: Any Kool-Aid made by Kool-Aid Mary! Stirred with her arm! If you saw Mary before you got to the cafeteria you always knew what color you were having that day. Question: Does the grape drink still make the poo green?

    Best Meal: Hands down, Taco Salad. Always led to your eyes being bigger than your stomach but in Scouts back in the day you got disciplined* if you took more than you ate but only if you got caught, especially by your brothers late in line who didn't get all the fixins. Which lead to many a garbage burrito (fold up uneaten food in paper plate so no one can see it, ha ha)

    Finals dinner in '94 Boston - Steak and Lobster!

    In fact, every meal in '94 was amazing, Majorly over budget for the year however, lead to lots of salad and cold cuts in '95. Boo!

    Go Scouts, keep on improving my brothers!

    * Only bus ups if you were lucky

  10. I was there, here's a very quick review.

    MN Brass, best show of the year so far for them!

    didn't get back to the show until the Juniors

    Pioneer - entertaining, good bassline, pretty stock Pioneer

    Colts - Very entertaining, I like the new look, they look like a bunch of Nutcrackers running around with their high plumes and Christmas sounding music. I liked 'em a lot and don't usually.

    Blue Stars - I'm very impressed how far they have come in two short years, they look all grown up. They still looked young to me last year but showed amazing improvement by finals. They look like they have picked up where they left off, new Uni's are very classy and add good effect, drumline is still hurtin' (PULL!) but the hornline has some beautiful moments and not sure if that's the real ending or not but I LOVED it. Front sideline Company Front, old school!

    Blue Knights - Boring. I wanted to like 'em, but they bored me same as last year. I watched the guard drop all night. Best part of the show was the bass cadence they played off the field, #### that was awesome, I want the music!

    Phantom - Holy Crap, they are good. Drumline incredibly clean for this early, the only clean beats I heard all night. Hornline amazing as always, Mello line, I can't praise 'em enough. Seriously, listen to the mello note at the end, goes on forever! Only lame part was no guard uni's, unless black pants and blue sleeveless tank tops is their look this year. I hate that crap.

  11. One of the if not THE best DCA drumline I've ever seen in Westshore that year, however. The bottom bass hit the drum so loud it hurt my ears from 25 feet away. That is just unheard of. Snares and tenors were rockin' out and clean to boot. Man, I wish I had a recording of their finals lot. *wink, wink*

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