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Posts posted by davidfromthepit

  1. :) Purposefully elbowing the encore-performing corps while exiting in front of them (instead of behind them) just doesn't have the same effect as "Throwin' 'bows." I suppose it was a small exaggeration. :smile: Its not like we were mad about it. (its boston. they ARE elbows) More shocked than anything. Not that we wouldn't expect that from them... just not right on the front sideline in front of judges/directors/fans and what have you...

    And earlier, '03 Indy was what I was referring to. Didn't really prepare for that situation. Not only that, exiting retreat in Indy was a cluster wether you know what you're doing or not. Definitely an awkward, funny moment to remember.

    I think it was in '06, somewhere in TN I think. We were leaving the rehearsal field an hour and a half early for some unknown reason, and on our way back to the housing site we had a fire marshal or something tell us to "go jump in the pool NOW for at least 15 minutes." Someone will have to remind me about that day. It was hot (like...hottest day I've ever marched in 7 years of drum corps) and Cap. Reg. had a few members sent to the hospital. :smile: It was a post-rehearsal pre-show pool day!...'er...hour.....more like 30 min. but still, IT WAS A POOL!!! I think we shared it with another corps too. It was nice to see chicks in bikinis before the show. :shutup:

    They had to postpone the show so the sun would go down a bit. It didn't get any cooler.

    Pittsburg, Kansas...the day Cap Reg died

  2. I tried the letters to all the businesses in town thing...absolutely 0 response, but maybe it was just my area. The only luck I ever got was corps alumnus and family and friends.

    my advice...be very respectful about it...and hit up your close friends (maybe their parents?) and possibly older family members

  3. um.... do you play in the pit? have you ever marched in a snareline? if not, how can you comment on something you've never done? :sos:

    Yes, I've played in the pit...as well as snarelines and basslines (never played tenors...that stuff blows my mind). I'm also a very commited percussionist outside of drum corps/marching band. I understand the whole scenario...and have performed it myself. All I said was I don't think it should be called an "art." :ph34r:

  4. That was a bit of sarcasm. My point was not everyone is doing it, or ever did. Mainly because there is an art to doing it. I guess if it's badly done one could say it's not artistic, but when done right there surley is art present.

    There's backsticking, attempts, and then there's backsticking done right. Appreciating the art and the difference you either know, or don't know. It's no different than a roll that's clean, but with notes so thick you could walk on them, and something so crisp you can hear birds chirping in between the notes.

    Fine craftsmanship produces art. If you don't understand or appreciate it, it's still art to the rest of us.


    John Swartz

    Youre right, I don't understand much about percussion...sorry I chimed in. ;)

  5. Huh? Not an art? I guess that's why everyone's doing it; pick a year.

    Ever wonder why the guys who win snare individuals, or even enter, have back sticking in their solos? Cause it's hard to do and not everyone can do it. Getting a whole line to do it, cleanly, is even more difficult.


    John Swartz

    Everyones doing it...so that makes it an art?

    No doubt its hard to do; even harder when you have a full line doing it. I didn't say it shouldn't be done or its stupid...just that I don't consider it an art.

  6. mark was always great...as were matt and megan...some of the people that made 06 worth sticking around for...along with ralph, kj, and brian stevens

    this may just be the pessimist in me...but this message doesnt seem to say anything at all...other than "we are working on it"...i hope all the speculation is what is happening...but we shall see

  7. Sounds like yet another innovation that the Cook group could pick up. The last clip i saw of their newest show had the horn players bouncing on trampolines and individual bouncing balls while playing. This doesn't seem too far fetched, although I keep getting that one scene from "Blades of Glory" playing over and over in my head...the Iron Lotus :ph34r: . All in all if this happened I'd pay a reasonable amount to see it at least once. :beer:

  8. I always end up saying:

    "It's like a professional caliber marching band. The members rehearse one weekend a month in the offseason, move in and rehearse all day for several weeks, then tour the country even doing shows at several major NFL and college stadiums."

    If they seem the least bit interested I mention the Rose Bowl, Gillette Stadium, RCA Dome, Georgia Dome, etc. Then if they let me I show them a crowd friendly show (007, phantom of the opera, and...gasp...BD 05).

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