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Posts posted by Tmanarl

  1. Just wanted to give you guys an update on how the app is coming along, and describe the basic functionality of what I have so far.

    The app is separated into five sections, represented with a tab bar on the bottom. (I'm still debating whether to forgo the tab bar for a single-stack layout. In this, you can go from tab to tab and the application saves the stack of each tab, so you can, say, check the latest caption rankings for a show in the Scores tab, switch the Schedule tab to see when two corps will face each other next, and switch back to the Scores tab and still have the caption rankings there. A single stack might work too, as is the UI design trend nowadays.) As of now, the sections are


    Here, you can view the latest scores, sorted in different ways. The first option, which is the starting point of the app, is the overall rankings, based on each corps' most recent performance (this was from last night):


    You can also view the scores for each show:


    If you select a corps, you'll be able to see a detailed representation of that corps' score, by caption. You can page up and down between corps to compare each corps by caption.

    And under Captions, the last rank, you can see how corps are ranked against each other by caption, overall, from their most recent performance.

    If you have push notifications turned on, you'll be alerted of scores the second they're posted on DCI.org, so you'll be the first to know! As soon as scores are posted, your phone will vibrate and display them for you, even if it's in your pocket or your doing something in another app. No more wearing out that F5 key on DCP!


    Here's where you can find out all there is to know about your favorite corps. You can browse the corps by organization, and select a corps to get its info.


    Through here, you can also view the corps' scores by show for this season, view the corps repertoires from this season and past season (including finals placement), and get in contact (tap the phone number to call the corps, the e-mail address to e-mail the corps, and the address to show its location through Google Maps).


    Find what shows are coming up this season. Find the shows that are closest to you, see the next time two corps will compete, get directions to a show and even order tickets, right from the app!


    Want to know what everyone's saying about your favorite corps? Under the Twitter tab, you can track any conversation mentioning a corps of your choosing. Or see what people are saying about tonight's show, and more importantly, see their TwitPics they've been taking! For those nights you wish you were in the stands.


    Here you can adjust the settings of the app, and you can keep track of your favorite corps.

    Oh yeah, I still need images for the tab bars. Here's an example of the overall design:


    All you provide is a monochromatic image, and the gradient/gloss is automatically applied. Anyone good at this type of stuff? I'm thinking a little calendar for the schedule, a chat bubble for Twitter, a gear for settings, a shako for corps, etc.

    My goal is to submit the app to Apple by next Monday and have it available by championships. I'm open to any comments or suggestions you guys have at this point!

    Hope you guys are as excited for this as I am! :doh:

    Wow. That's exactly what I would want out of a DCI app. Good luck!

  2. I'll respectfully disagree here. Of all the attempts to put this work on the field, I like SCV 09 the best since Garfield's. Certainly the gutsy design decision here was to take Copland's work and merely adapt/interpret it on the field, rather than write an "original composition inspired by..." that borrows a couple of melodies from the original, but otherwise completely ignores its musical structure and intent. I give kudos to Fiedler and Co. for taking this approach - they have by far the most elegant show on the field this summer, and what I'm sure will be a huge audience favorite in Indy.

    If your point is that this kind of musical design will not be rewarded competitively in DCI today, you're almost certainly correct. So much the worse for DCI, I'd think.

    Oh yeah, I definitely understand what you and several other members are saying, I just feel like they could be doing so much more. I remember sitting in the stands at a show site in 2006; we shared a housing location with SCV and we finished up early so I went to go watch them. That show was the first time I really took notice of them, at the speed at which they were moving, how often they played while marching, and at how difficult and snaky the drill was. I just don't get that from this year's show. I understand that they are trying new things; heading in a different direction and I completely respect their organization for that...........I just hope it's the right direction.

    Thank you for your courteous reply as well!

  3. In my opinion Santa Clara is the biggest disappointment. I have liked several of their past shows-06 and 07 being my favorites but this year is sooooo unlike them. I realize they had a major staff overhaul but it shouldn't have affected things this much. There's no VANGUARD! moment in the show, the cymbal line doesn't form a V and I'm unmoved by the show. I feel like the show is so one layered. The music is sporadic, being played in little chunks here and there for a good portion of the show until we get to the almighty shaker tune. Yes I realize it is a classic folk melody, and it was great when Blast did it in 2001, but I'm just tired of it. Especially when it is basically the orchestral arrangement transferred to the field. With a standard piece like that, it would be nice to hear an inventive arrangement. I don't know, but that's the one I'm most disappointed with.

    The things they are doing well: The balls-out extended chord at the end has a pretty good balance. Hard to do with a chord that long, that loud, and played front field. They also execute the show very well, with the marching and performance aspects. Better luck next year in the show design.

  4. Are you kidding? That is the most ignorant comment I have ever read on here. They are jazz running while playing throughout the entire show!

    Atleast BD doesn't fall back on their pit while they are jazz running.

    Oh and BD also PLAYS AND sound good when they are hauling.

    Oh and BD also doesn't look like they are squatting to take a dump when they jazz run.

    Think you were talking about your Green boys.

    I was hoping I wouldn't have to include a emoticon for people to figure out that I was being sarcastic. Everyone else got the idea, what's your excuse?

  5. At least you have DCP to get the scores from and the webcasts when they are on. The first year my son marched it was agony, not being able to get the scores, DCI usually didn't have them up until the next morning. I am so glad we get up to date news now!!!

    Who is your son? I marched with him!

  6. This happens every year, and it is due to the nature of the two corps' marching system. The Blue Devils consistently are cleaner much sooner than The Cavaliers because they utilize guiding, which allows them to have cleaner forms earlier in the season. The Cavaliers use the dot system, which although it takes longer to clean, allows the corps to be more precise towards the end of the season. I disagree with the poster who said they were clean, because I can state from my point of view that they were NOT clean. The drill for their (Cavaliers) closer was very messy and was obviously in need of cleaning. They also had their old ending in which would affect the GE score greatly. When you have a less than stellar ending that does not evoke an emotional response, the general effect of the show will diminish. As there are still weeks left in the season, I would not lose any shred of sleep over the Cavaliers' ability to add GE to their show. I noticed PLENTY of potential for them to add to the show. The Blue Devils on the other hand, had a very exciting show that I instantly forgot about after they left the field. It was exciting because they have added their visuals and effect in already, and I believe their show is on the verge of topping-out. Only time will tell.

  7. Oh get over yourself. I can promise you that the vast majority of people were booing George Hopkins, and rightfully so! For someone to pull their entire corps off the field after they have already been announced and were in starting positions, just because you didn't like how the field was painted was akin to a child throwing a temper tantrum. And of course, DCI gave in to their favorite son we all love to hate. In case you forgot, there was a LIVE broadcast that was held up because of Hoppy's little "stunt". And the Blue Devils were forced to wait while at the gate because The Cadets failed to start on time. They were penalized...kudos DCI for that. Someone needs to take GH down a few pegs, and I'm glad someone finally had the guts to do it. Every other one of the 22 corps that were there marched on that field without incident. Did you see The Cavaliers pulling their corps off the field cause they didn't have hashes? No. I did however see George out on the field whining to the head judge about the penalty that was charged them. Poor taste George. I was disgusted by your obvious power-trip. You need to realize that this activity does not revolve around you, and when you throw a sophomoric tantrum over something trivial, YOU WILL GET BOOED! Kudos to every true fan in the Rose Bowl that had the guts to stand up to the hop!

  8. Yes they were alternates. They travel with the corps all summer and have their own duties and responsibilities to accomplish. Any time the corps plays an encore, the alternates dress out and play with the corps. In every sense, they are members of that corps, and deserve every right and privilege that comes with it. Finals night in particular, they dressed out to participate in the finals retreat block.

  9. I didn't boo The Cadets on Thursday night, my boos and jeers were directed straight at George Hopkins. I think he is an absolute crock and tried to give his corps and unfair advantage. The Cavaliers had just performed on the same exact field prior to The Cadets taking the field, and did you see Jeff Fiedler out there demanding that the field be repainted? NO! Just like you didn't see that from any of the other 22 DRUM CORPS! George Hopkins, suck it up and go home, cause even a crying baby sometimes does not get his rattle. <**>

  10. National Rankings as of 7/4/2007

    (According to my facebook app)

    1 The Cadets 84.050

    2 Bluecoats 83.700

    3 Blue Devils 83.500

    4 The Cavaliers 82.700

    5 Carolina Crown 82.500

    6 Phantom Regiment 81.950

    7 Santa Clara Vanguard 81.450

    Since Crown performed before the show got rained out, PR didn't get a chance to post a new score. I know it's totally erroneous but hey, it's interesting to look at.

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