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Posts posted by GABA

  1. BD--Loved the fast drill when it happened.

    BK--Great choice of music, I had no idea that British folk songs could be so much fun.

    BS--Loved the trust fall/rifle toss off the balcony. Scared me to death before I realized it was planned.

    Coats--Visually, the most interesting opening I've seen this year.

    Cru--One of my two favorite musicals ever. Thanks for doing it justice. Bring Him Home brought tears to my eyes, and I really enjoyed the scrim/lights/death sequence.

    Crown--Bohemian Rhapsody at the beginning touched me deeply.

    Cascades--Excellent theme and use of props (thank you for connecting one to the other). That woven box was especially cool.

    Colts--The Swan was breathtaking.

    Crossman--Absolutely brought me to my feet more than once. Great choice of music!

    Glassmen--I really enjoyed the juxtaposition of so many songs and styles. It was musical tapestry.

    Surf--Libertango was some of the best fun on the night. I was dancing in the stands.

    Scouts--You made me cry and shout. The chaos scene touched a nerve, and the ending brought healing. Thank you for going there.

    Mandarins--I felt like I was in the midst of the story.

    Crest--I had no idea you guys could move like that. It was like an encyclopedia of the best drill from the last twenty years of drum corps, and it was inspiring. Keep it up!

    PR--I really enjoyed your setting of "Confutatis". Very creative, and extremely effective.

    SCV--If I can only listen to one brass timbre for the rest of my life, it is your sound in the chorale toward the end of the show. Simply stunning.

    SOA--Thank you for biting off a speedy drill. I've never seen such "spirited" movement from SOA, and was glad to see it.

    Academy--As a choral musician, I loved your take on Lux Aurumque. Beautiful sounds and musical interpretations!

    Cadets--Great visuals! Thank you for choosing a theme and interpreting it clearly (but also leaving details for us to figure out as we go). I really enjoyed the Doxology/Amazing Grace "war". Excellent staging.

    Cavies--My thought process: "Is he ... really? ... Upside down? ... That's not possible ... But he is ... (speechlessness) ... (shouting so loud I couldn't hear anything they were playing) ... XtraordinarY"

    Troopers--Thanks for great intonation in the "infinite" chord. (I really enjoyed the visual "pun", too.)

    Jubal--Happy Birthday! I hope I'm having (and sharing) so much fun when I'm 100.

    Alliance--I always love hearing Infernal Dance. Thanks for bringing it.

    How's that for positive?

    :thumbup: :thumbup:

    I am sure all the kids will appreciate this post!

    :thumbup: :thumbup:


  2. What you need depends on your Mac and your TV. You need to figure out on your Mac: do you have a DVI port or a mini-Display Port?

    DVI: dvi.jpg

    MiniDP: 300px-Mini_DisplayPort_on_Apple_MacBook.jpg

    Newer Macs have the Mini Displayport (the latest models actually have a "Thunderbolt" port, but it's backwards compatible with MiniDP). Older ones used DVI.

    And on your TV, do you have HDMI in available or VGA in or both:

    HDMI: hdmi_port.jpg

    VGA: 300px-SVGA_port.jpg

    HDMI is going to be a better quality picture, but if you don't have any HDMI inputs open, you might prefer to use the VGA port.

    I hook my Mac laptop to my TV using a DVI->HDMI cable, and a headphone jack extender to an RCA Y-splitter to my stereo system (or the TV) for the audio.

    If you have the miniDP connector, you might can use this MiniDP to HDMI converter if you want to use an HDMI cable to connect, or the "PC" port on your TV is probably VGA and for that you'd need this MiniDP to VGA adapter along with a VGA cable.

    Once you've got the video plugged in, your OS should just realize that it's there and try to make use of it. You should be able to move the window with the drum corps show over to the TV from your laptop's desktop (the TV space of your desktop will *probably* be to the right of your laptop's desktop, ie move the window off to the right and it will show up on the TV). Hit the full screen button and see how that looks.

    If there are black lines around the picture, or if the picture extends past the edges of the TV, then you have to do some adjustment. IIRC, on the Mac OS, in the Display properties you can manage the properties of the TV you're plugged into and there's an "overscan" option that will make things fit the screen a little better (either off or on, depending on what the problem is when you first plug it in). Not sure if there are more options than that.

    On Windows, you need to find your display adapter driver's properties. I have a Macbook Pro, but I run Windows, with Apple's supplied driver for the Nvidia video chip inside the laptop. So I pull up the display properties and one of the tabs is the "driver properties" or something to that effect, and there's a driver control panel that then gives me a way to adjust exactly where the edges of my display are, and I used that to set the width and height properly.

    After all of this, watching Fan Network (live webcasts or older stuff) on the big TV is an awesome experience. Way way better than just on the laptop screen. It's worth the effort. But be willing to put up with a lot of false starts and weird happenings and mistakes, and if you are anything like me you will end up with a bunch of cables at the end that you don't need, because you'll have bought about three or four of every option trying to figure out what works best with your TV and stereo.

    Good luck! :thumbup:

    Nice write up!

    Good Job! :thumbup: :thumbup:

    I just found this nice little adapter cable for the Apple Mac's

    Mini Display adapter


  3. So I am hoping to watch the Atlanta contest this weekend, but instead of watching on my laptop, I was hoping to watch it on my television. I have a Mac and I have a television that has a place for me to hook up a "pc" to the television. If anyone has any advice or instructions for what I will need to do this, I would appreciate it.

    Technologically challenged as I am, I can use all the help I can get!

    I don't really know much about MACS, does your laptop have HDMI out?

    Use that hookup to your TV. Better picture and sound.

    If not, you can use your TV like a monitor if it has the 15 pin high density D connector. Try using a monitor cable from your laptop to your tv. You will then need to get the sound from your laptop to your TV or hook up speakers to your laptop.

    HDMI is way easier since the audio and video are carried by that one cable.


  4. Tonights prediction

    Carolina - 89.9

    Phantom - 88.2

    Boston - 85.1

    Blue Knights - 83.1

    Spirit - 80.35

    Troopers - 79.9

    Colts - 76.5

    Pacific Crest - 73.55

    Madison will be getting healthy, making changes but I think will lose a bit of ground and will remain behind BAC & fall to BK and will find Blues Stars on their heels when they come back. Their "dream team" will help, but not enough to give them a BIG surge, which is what they'd need to catch and get ahead of the corps who've recently passed them. All corps will also be doing what they are doing over the next few weeks - working hard and getting better. What will give a corps the best bang for the buck over the next few shows is to clean, clean, clean, then clean some more. IMO at this time of the season, cleaning, moreso than show changes, will be the most obvious evidence of improvement. Subtltey is good up to now, but what gets the movement in numbers or placement are big obvious improvements like going from dirty to clean.

    I would like to see PC closer to 75.5 :thumbup:

    Go PC!


    • Like 1
  5. Like the joys of...

    - Pushing a bus

    - Playing on ancient equipment held together with duct-tape

    - Bologna dinners

    - Running out of money mid-tour

    - Folding

    Ha Ha... I did all of those things, plus

    - we had purple colored water to go with that bologna

    - bring dropped off for a whole day at a rest stop so the bus drivers could get their sleep

    - marching on corn fields that were cut down just for the show

    - Laundry day, whats that??

    - kids smoking while showering

    - kids smoking....


  6. I have seen PC many times this year, from Sneak Preview to Bellflower. Very improved Drum Corps. PC did a major rewrite of one of their movements and had some musical changes throughout their show, and they added a lot of visuals to the hornline. Twist is very twisty and tasty now. The Ballad still needs some more Dynamic contrast which I am sure they will reach in a week or two. The opening trumpet soloist needs to play out more, he/she sounds weak and timid until the trio comes in. Great Low Brass line! Some really cool things are coming out of the 12 Contras. They are getting some good volume out of the hornline, but they(horns) are lacking confidence while marching. Funky marching style and not everyone is following it. Right now, they are a Great standstill hornline. The Guard had some drill changes as well and they improved as a "Whole" Guard, no one really sticks out anymore. The Battery and Pit are coming together. Best Battery and drum book that I can remember from PC. PC had over a week off from the other World Class Corps and did a lot of cleaning and rewrites. I look forward to seeing them compete this weekend. After seeing the others, Troopers, Colts, Academy, Spirit etc...."online", I think PC deserved their score, but I know it was slightly inflated. I don't think they will make Finals, probably 14th/16th with an 84. Still, I would love to see those kids make finals. This Corps is doing it right and the kids look like they are having fun. Keep it up PC!


  7. Phantom had an off night, but SCV had a great night. Why slam SCV? SCV's show is more difficult, drill and music then Phantom's and this is the 1st week in July. From Stanford to Walnut, SCV has been improving more so then PR maybe because they were further behind.

    On a performance note concerning Color Guard's, SCV's Guard went into character right when their foot touched the grass and did not stop until they were off the field, just like Phantom 07 and SCV was intense. PR guards had a major problem last night, no biggy, finals is a long ways off. BD's guard needs cleaning and I know they will take a few shows before finals. But there is no need to slam another Corps for having a great performance. UnCool.

    Both Corps, ALL the Corps did what they were supposed to do last night and that is to entertain, which they did immensely. Great to see completed shows at Walnut. Hats off to all the Corps, I had a wonderful time watching over 5 hours of excitement, emotion, precision etc.......

    But, I would love to hear the Corps without all that amplification.


    • Like 4
  8. This has been posted on here in the past. I sure would love to see some video from 77 it was a fantastic year and we allmost made finals. Good Luck!

    Tom Salvatore


    I did have someone tell me that he had videos and was going to send them to me, but that turned out to be false.

    So, I am still waiting. I figure someone has to have videos, even on super 8!


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