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Posts posted by brass71701

  1. Had plans for this weekend that didn't exactly work out.  So I went to the Chicago area to visit friends.   After only a sort time, things got boring, so

    "Road Trip"! was being chanted and off we went tp do some drum corps chasing. We new Cavies were in DeKalb and just didn't want to go there.  Good (not great) place for the DCM drum corps show but little else.

    Madison is a hip place and we thought we might get an early taste of finals week.  Turned out that Scouts were not in Madison, but in a small town called Marshall.  We were happy to make the drive.

    We talked a lot about what we would probably see.  We were wrong on most accounts!!!

    From rumors and posts on DCP and RAMD, I guess we all put too much stock in people's opinions without stopping to think that the predictions and comments are based on conjecture and rumor and not things people have actually seen or heard for themselves.  

    Here is what we saw:

    Pulled up to the new high school and saw the corps vehicles, but no corp.  It was too late for lunch and too early for supper.  As we got out of the car and walked far enough to see the front doors of the school, we saw the guard spinning sabres.  There were 28 guys doing basic spins, then tosses.  THIS IS NOT LAST YEARS GUARD!  They seemed very disciplined and focused.  There were two guard instructors at first and then later that afternoon, four or five.  I asked someone who the instructor was.  They said it was the new caption head.  His first name was Brandon.  I don't remember his last name.  He was very calm, but straight forward.  We were impressed and realized there was the first of many rumors proven wrong:

    Most posts were stating that the guard staff had not changed, that there were only 18 or so guys and that the corps was probably going to produce the same product as last year.  Not gonna happen.  I am also assuming that some guys may have been still at school or graduation.

    As we watched the guard, we heard the horn line begin to warm up from the other side of a hill about two blocks away.

    We trecked over the hill and took a long route around the horn arc as not to draw too much attention to ourselves.  The weather was cool and hornlines never sound good their first time outside, but these guys did.  The instructor in front of them was not familiar.  His conducting was very precise as were the horn line's attacks and releases.  Intonation was very good and the warm up seemed to roll along like everyone knew exactly what to do.  There were lots of comments about always making your best sound and playing forward through each exercise or phrase.  There seemed to be only one other brass instructor.  he did part of the warm up and was very much like the other guy, though younger.  There were six or seven other people watching.  I asked if anyone knew who the instructors were.  The new caption head is Mark Waynemeyer.  Apparently he was on staff for the first time last summer and marched with Phantom and then taught there during the late 80s early 90s.  He cranked them up some toward the end of the warm up, but I never heard anyone sticking out of the ensemble, and tuning and tone remained great.

    Another rumor proven wrong:

    Many posts also were stating that the brass staff was going to be the exact same.  I also read several posts about only 50-60 brass.  I counted 19 sopranos  and I am assuming one was missing for some reason.

    I counted 17 mellophones, 20 baritones, 11 contras.  I also find it kind cool that the Scouts have a non-Scout at the helm, not that the other guys weren't doing a great job.  The horn line has always been good, including last year.  I though that 7th place in horns last year was low.  I also think their books are harder than most and they make it seem too easy.  Ever play swing on a football field with 64 other people?

    Drum line was warming up and sounded good.  Many surprises from them as they night went on.  I' ll get to that later.

    The biggest surprise of the night came when we saw the first 30 seconds of drill.  Another surprise and proof that many things said on the news groups are not accurate. It is 30 seconds of fast paced ,symmetrical, push-pull drill that fits the music more than perfectly.  All this to a big horn wedge, a big guard wedge and the first impact of the show.  OH MY!!! THIS IS NOT A CORP IN DANGER OF NOT MAKING FINALS.  The rest of the opener was exciting as anything I have seen for a long time.

    Found out the drill writers are new!!  Bad pre-season rumors again.

    A drill guy from their past is writting, in addition to another newer staff member and the brass captian head.  This is very interesting and apparently working well.

    I have always enjoyed the Scouts but have not always thought all the best choices had been made.  I enjoy the activity as a whole and want everyone to do well.

    This is better than just doing well.  I think many of you will be very surprised and  very entertained buy the 2002 Scouts.  


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