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Posts posted by Iplaytimpani

  1. I can contribute a few of these, all Kiwanis related, just because it's what I know. :P First off during my first year of DCI I was with a Div 3 corps having some huge mallet shipment issues. We got to the Erie show and had pretty much ran out of usable mallets. I had many friends in the KK pit and their instructor (Rich Burrows at the time) was kind enough to donate a whole box of mallets their pit was no longer using. They weren't all the best but they were better than what we had and allowed us to play during the summer until our shipment finally caught up with us. My past few years with KK I have seen quite a few great pieces of class, going both ways. As was mentioned, this summer when we were having some marimba issues, many many corps (I can't even remember them all) were gracious enough to let us borrow boards that they probably could have used at the time be it for warm up or post show practice and for that we were always eternally grateful. A few times we were able to trade something they may have needed at the time, and it was a great great thing. One time in particular this season we were getting very nervous for a show as we had not secured the marimbas we needed to borrow when our last chance, Crossmen, pulled in. We darted to the people we knew there and they quickly unloaded their truck and let us get to the gate. That alone was fantastic. As our boards started to pull to the gate, our pit tractor died. A spark plug went from an overchoke, or something like that. And like a miracle, the Crossmen cart pulled up and said, "Hook up". We were forever grateful to them for that day. As many people have said, in every corps there's going to be cases of both ways, but almost every drum corps in the end is willing to help out another, if at all possible. Just ask Magic. I was there in Illinois in 03 when after a show at Lincoln Way, Kiwanis, The Cavaliers, and somebody else (sorry, I cant remember at the time, feel free if anyone remembers) threw a post show block party for Magic and Lake Erie Regiments kids as both were running without a cook truck at the time. To walk up to any truck and have some food (best pizza I had all summer, was made off the Cavies truck!) and just forget about all the problems of day to day life and mingle with other people. Great Great day. That's it for now. Just know, some corps get good reps, some get bad, but in the end.... It's Drum corps.

  2. To me, them and Glassmen up until last year are very similar. Doing a lot of things right and well, but just not interesting. If I'm at finals and know I'm going to need to eat somewhere in there, I'm planning on it being during BK's show. What they do, they do well which is obvious by their consistent top 12 finishes. But for me, it just doesnt get me going.

  3. I've been avoiding this topic for awhile as I didnt think I had anything to add, than I remembered seeing seattles guard this past summer in Indy. I heard some people didnt like their show because of some mic speak or something, but I dont remember Seattle fielding anything more than a guard.... Nothing better than beautiful girls in those uniforms bending down to pick up a new flag. :P

  4. Let me clear up the bad information just brought forth by Dominath. Kiwanis has not had a full hornline since 2002, and while it would be great, it doesnt seem like we will have 60 horns or anything on the field. But the hornline is bigger than last years. They do still have some openings if anyone is interested. What he said about the drumline and the pit actually, is true. They are full sized and the drumline is playing at an incredible level already. I think they will really surprise a lot of people. There was a great vet return along with Noel Alvarez deciding he wanted to come back to his 2002 home, and his presence has really upped the whole line. The guard has not been very present at camps due to winterguard, but they are going to be fine. KK has a new guard staff this year that have brought many of their kids with them. So, that is the more accurate information on Kiwanis. It seems they're staying quiet for a reason this year. Someone can come on a messageboard and claim we're marching 135 with 15 alternates or whatever, it doesnt really matter. For a corps like that, its all about what people see at the first shows. No reason to come out and just start spouting. It usually can not help a corps like Kiwanis.

  5. I think there was one run ran through Corpsreps last year, if memory serves me correct. And I'm guessing this is the one being referenced. I remember seeing some of the places and that it was all set to go at some of the shows, but never saw anything come of it. Maybe I just wasnt looking?

  6. I have to disagree with you adam on the service of dynasty. Last year KK bought all new dynasty horns,drums and front line. If you look at pictures from last year, we clearly never received everything. I know that there were a few problems with Dyansty being backed up on equipment and there were some issues between KK and Dynasty, but they were awful about letting people know what was up. And last year when BD went to Europe, they took the head Dynasty rep with them (Cant think of his name..) and so we were really in a lot of trouble. We spent over a month of tour with only 2 marimbas on our truck and borrowing 2 from other corps when we got to the show site. Not all of it was Dyansty's fault, but a lot of it was.

  7. I would imagine that they would at least keep the shakos with the red, considering they only made it in time for quarterfinals last year. :)

    Haha. Yes, those red shako's are still quite fresh. Last years KK uniforms were really more of a prototype and many issues were found and discussed and have been rumored to be being fixed. Havent seen anything, so I can only hope. They are a great START for a look for the corps, but need some things still to really make them a great uniform, all of which is at least supposed to be being worked on. we'll see... maybe even before quarterfinals? :P

  8. You don't have to be a drummer to know that what he's doing is just random beating of a drumset. Dr. Edwin Gordon might say that this kid is still in "rhythm babble". He isn't playing anything rhythmic, he's not playing anything remotely close to being in the context of what the bass player is doing! He's just "exploring", kinda playing around with the different sounds that the drums and cymbals can make. Dr. Gordon believes that this "exploration" is a necessary first step when learning music in any capacity, so it's nothing more than I would expect from someone his age. He's engaging in rhythm babble on an instrument, just like babies and infants engage in language babble thinking they're imitating the sounds of their adult caregivers' talking. It's nothing more than I would expect from someone his age.

    But why is he doing it in front of audiences???

    YOU JUST QUOTED GORDON! YUCK!! I'm a constructivist. :P Gordon's the devil. And I'm from the detroit area and without having heard it seemed the kid wasnt really doing anything. and why the heck didnt my parents buy me a DW kit when I was 2? I need to go talk to them.

  9. Okay okay. I got it! I have the solution!!! Maybe each corps should just bring their own announcer! Then we wouldnt have to spend time worrying if a man who clearly just likes an activity is playing favorites. Every announcer would be playing favorites! "Oh thats Brandt Crocker! I wonder what The CAVALIERS!!! Got?!"

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