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Posts posted by ArgonneRebel

  1. Feeding the members and staff on the road is a huge, miserable job. I went on tour with Miss Amana and SCV in ’93. The kids are fed 4 times a day, so the kitchen is active constantly, except when on the road. Logistically they use a tremendous amount of food and create a huge amount of trash. Usually the weather is hot and miserable outside and with the ovens and burners it is even hotter and more miserable inside the trailer. The volunteers who work in the mess truck are the hardest workers in drum corps!

    QFT. So, so, so much respect for all the people that ever cooked for me on tour.

  2. -Don't wear another corps shirts/jackets to the audition camp. I can't even begin to tell you how funny it was to watch kids walk into camp wearing another corps' stuff. It also pisses a lot of the vets off.

    -In fact, don't wear stuff that gives a false impression of you. Sure, 'The Mutilated Skull Puppies' might be your favorite band, and their T-shirt with the blood and guts might be the COOLEST shirt ever...leave it at home.

    -Don't be afraid to start a conversation with people, whether they're auditioning for the first time or they're aging out as a six year vet. Nobody is there to see you fail, so make friends! My seat partner in '09 and I got along so well because we were both rookies who made fast friends at winter camps. You never know who your best friend in the corps will be in six months, so meet them now!

    -Have fun-enjoy the experience for what it is. Audition camps are hard, stressful, nervewracking...but at the end of the weekend, it's just drum corps, which you clearly have a passion for.

  3. I loved Phantom's show-gorgeous music, gorgeous corps in general. Crown blew everyone's socks off-hugely enjoyable show, amazing drill. The new unis look much much better in person. They were just fantastic. Bloo did well, they are loud and strong and pretty clean. Boston was loud and, well, loud. They have some serious cleaning to do...crowd loved them. Another show that was eh...some recycled stuff from Neocosmos, Crown...yawn... Scores were pretty accurate I think-for as little as I really understand about scoring...

  4. Interesting music choices. I generally am not a huge fan of just throwing works together based on a number, or a similar name in the title. While Mahler 2 is a great work, and Bernstein 2 is a great work, is there the proper flow? Or were they picked because they conveniently had the number 2? It's one thing to say "This is awesome music, and we're playing it because it's great" (Blue Knights 06?), and another to pick music solely because of it's order of composition, and not on the actual substance, regardless of how good it may be, if that makes any sense.

    In substance what Im saying is if the show flows well and the overall package is coherent as a 12-minute work, then hey, get it, Crown. If there's any hornline in DCI I'd want to hear play these selections, it would be Crown. Listening to that hornline is like taking a bath in chocolate. We shall see; I'm definitely excited to hear this.

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