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Posts posted by dcialumni1989

  1. Cavies....don't see them in the Top 4. I think they will be regrouping for a spell.

    Why? They finished out of the top 3 once in the last decade. People saying that they are on a competitive down slide are just not informed. From what I have seen from them at camps, they are going to be just fine. In comparison to this time last year, they are in much better shape... at least from what I have seen so far at camps.

  2. I've heard they were doing something different for the past couple of years, but it always ends up sounding kind of the same. I hope it really hope it's actually true this year, and I'm looking forward to it.

    I was at the last camp (as a spectator). To me it was definitely different. Not just the sound of the music, but the approach of the brass and drums.

    I am very excited about the corps this year.

  3. OIL CAN / Garbage CAN. It will all sound like mush with all that bottom end.

    Answer the question or feed the fury....


    Cadets sticking with 72

    Crossmen sticking with 72

    Crown sticking with 80

    BD ?

    Phantom ?

    SCV ?


    Cavies ?

    BC ?

    Troopers ?

    Cavaliers are marching 80

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