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Posts posted by xtreme0204

  1. Not the 4th! I agree that nascar drivers don't need a summer to improve, they're professionals already. But change it to the weekend before labor day already. Times are changing (sorry to those that hate that this is so): some schools start earlier than labor day weekend. I can say personally some of my students did not join corps because they didn't want to miss a day the first week of school (yes they are that anal about their grades).

  2. Colorguard instructor needed at Abington Heights High School near Scranton, pa. Stipend payment included. Commitment would be minimum of one week of band camp and one rehearsal/week.

    Please pm me if interested or email Eric.boylan86@gmail.com

    Please share if you may know someone. It's a great program with enthusiastic students.

  3. In the event of a power outage without severe weather, I would think just about every corps would have a generator right? What's the point of spending millions on all this stuff and not a few grand on a generator?

    The question is more weather related. Then the question becomes what happens. I know I saw spirit at one if those shows and thought it was better than at rehearsal that day with the electronics (not ragging on the electronics just thought that it was a great performance). However, I can see how some corps may not cope as well.

    Lastly, wouldn't general effect have to be scored lower for someone like crown if it does in fact hinder their program?

  4. Usually takes a couple of days. The staff is different this year so some of the details might be different, but in the past few yeras, the live-streamed shows have stayed up in the DVR one-huge-blob format for a few days, and then the convert it down to individual per-corps chunks after that period is over. On-demand-only shows typically the wait is at least a day, and usually two (it has been longer, depending on whether there were any issues with the video or sound that the staff want to fix before posting). The Akron show won't be going on the on-demand till after the cinecast tonight I would assume.

    So, yeah, it can be frustrating to wait for the on-demand stuff. But the real magic (IMO) is in watching the live streams while posting on DCP. You kinda need multiple computers to make it work well, but that's the best way to experience it. It's like watching it live with your friends, but you get to make all the snarky comments you want without disturbing anyone. :w00t:/>

    Still, the on-demand is a great resource for watching shows evolve over the season. I remember Crown's 2009 show doing nothing for me at the start of the season, but as I watched each weekend live stream they kept making more tweaks until it just clicked in and blew me away, just in time for me to actually get to see it live in Salem, VA and enjoy the hell out of it.

    I'm not positive about this year, but they've been gradually growing the number of live-streamed events they do each season. They are often tightly restricted in what they can do by the facilities available at the venues, which are more often than not old high school stadiums with no A/C in the pressbox (necessary for the stream-encoding PCs, which get HOT), or even at places like Mile High Stadium (or whatever it's called) they are limited to what equipment they can mount and where, etc, etc. But they're getting better every year, IMO. And this year looks like there'll be a lot more multi-cam live shows, so that'll be a good addition.

    Awesome. It's a really good deal. I love being able to watch old shows I've never seen in the meantime.

    No to go too OT but since they run through the same base and I know dca feeds off the dci fan network, why not have a combo deal? Might be good for dca to try to package it like that to make some new fans?

  5. This is my first year with Fan Network. I'm ecstatic to find out I can watch the feed from Stanford. I thought I could only get that if I paid the 20$ listed on the site. Never thought I'd get to DVR it, what a feature!

    However, does anyone know how long it takes for the on demand stuff to get put up? I sorta expected it a little sooner (Like i said I'm a newbie so I have no clue). I'm jonesing for more now that I got a taste :help:

  6. I'd love to see more combined dca/dci shows. I think though that judging them on one sheet is a horrible idea. I do wonder where bucs, cabs, etc would stand in the mix, but in the event that they are dead last place it's just bad publicity for dca and doesn't help the situation. If they ever did decide to be judged on the same sheet I think that it should be held confidential or that a trial run be held for a show to see what the outcome of published scores may be.

  7. So I was made aware of the fan network mobile site a few weeks ago and tried to use it today (I just renewed my subscription). I went on the mobile site and it said that a valid Id is not sent for this player. I contacted their support but thought maybe someone here might know.


  8. I think to gain fans, the young generation is the one to market for (I don't mean judging wise). I think DCI should give free (at least a trial period) subscriptions to U.S. public school systems and major college programs and their music departments. And encourage the directors of the programs to use the subscription as an educational tool, pre-class entertainment or just something to put on during study halls. I really truly believe that could be the key to gaining members and lifelong fans. They can at least discount the blu-rays and DVDs for educators for in school use.

    I got a FN account just to show my kids what this thing I talk about is and 99% had no idea it existed. I actually gave the information to one student who wants to purchase a FN account (not sure if he did). Either way, it has gained interest.

  9. I'm just trying to figure out who gave you a -1.... I fixed that for ya. How would it work to come out on a vacation and take part? Would it be possible to come to NOLA for a weekend and march in a parade without dedicating a full week (or longer) of rehearsal? I'm not sure I could pull it off, but god knows I'd love to.

    Also, I looked at the board of directors and I think here it may be a great idea to publicize your bios. They're quite impressive...

  10. professional gig: Yes. The players are not there for an educational experience, and as long as the job is done correctly, then who cares. If they're messing up due to having the phones out, they're fired.

    Educational experience: No. Just plain old no. It should not be allowed. They are distracting from others (especially college where each student is paying) learning experience by not paying attention. I would send a polite letter to the dean about how you found it distracting and it may take away from the students' learning experience. If you like to make waves, which I sometimes do.

    The question in corps lies in whether you think its professional or educational. Since you're paying for it, I believe it's educational

  11. No. I'm not met or talked with anyone that has made such a claim either.... even on DCP.

    Then again, has anything else " brought a substantial increase of non Corps fans to the activity " the last 25 years ? I would say no.

    Would you agree with me that If DCI does not have to pay to be on TV... ala PBS... that having Finals broadcast on TV either live or on tape delay before 350,000 or so people that watch our marchers perform on TV is infinitely better than having 500 or so non Finalist attendees watch the Finals show sent out on tape delay via paid subscription to their home computer ?

    I can say I was originally one. I was 12 and a marching band geek (we start young around these parts), and my uncle called me and said they were airing some crazy marching band competition (let's just stop being pretentious and realize what it is)on PBS.I turned it on and was hooked. I went to marching band practice the next week and told tales of this beast. Of course it was my first year in marching band and everyone laughed and told me that almost our entire staff has marched/played and they all knew. Either way, I didn't know until after I saw it on PBS. I will say that I assume I would have found out about it either way, though.

    I didn't march DCI, but have done years of DCA. I am a loyal fan and attend whatever I can afford and am a FN subscriber.

    Again, I will state that although I was notified of DCI by the PBS special, my guess is that I would have found out either way.

  12. I have thought for a long time that DCI needs to just get it over with and go to the digital age. I bought the FN during the off season and personally don't think I would again. I think a few things need to happen

    1.) Roku, PS3, ipad, droid, iphone, windows8 and other digital "Apps" that can be used to view scores, live events (with a FN subscription of course), and back-logged videos. These products are relatively cheap (the roku box especially) and would provide the possibility of watching these events on your home TV (there's also appleTV and a cable you can use to hook up your iPhone to the tv). They don't run on Hulu or Netflix, they are their own stand-alone apps that work like the netflix app on the PS3. Allow me to view it all on the TV!

    2.) Live PPV of Finals. As many said, its just stupid that they haven't capitalized on that yet. Would be even cooler if thy did this through the apps mentioned in #1.

    3.) I know it may not get the most approval, but its just my opinion. If they go to TV, make it about the run for gold and the rivalries between the corps at "the top". I love all drum corps, but we know that starting a national broadcast which is supposed to increase our viewership with the #12 corps might be a turn off to John Q. Public (then again many of us on here believe these might be the most accessible shows). Of course, those groups at "the top" don't even want to really be part of DCI, so it would probably be pretty tough to get them to sign on to something promoting themselves so wholly without wanting a major piece of the pie.

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