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Dave Sloan

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Posts posted by Dave Sloan

  1. Another fun night of drum corps from the wonderful Berry Center in Cypress, Tx. A bit bummed that it was only last year's top 8, I would have liked to have seen Madison after everything I've been hearing about them. Nonetheless, the corps' did well and the show, as per the usual, ran very smoothly in this new-fangled "Tournament of Champions" format. Psh, whatever, just wanted to see some drum corps. Not the best of vantage points (about half-way up in front of Side 1's goal line), but I managed to get a decent first read. Emphasis on first read. So here goes...

    Blue Stars

    Cool show from them this year. All sections are fairly solid. There is still a fair amount of dirt remaining (to be expected before the first regional, though more than I would like to see/hear). I dug their music, but didn't think their "skyline" props added any to the show. Can't wait to see what they do with the ending. Connected well with the audience. Encore: Cee-Lo Green's "F*** You".


    Plenty of "BLOOOOOO"ing from the crowd this evening. A very nice product from the Canton crowd this year. I seem to be hearing that the most memorable thing about this show is its use of "Creep" at the beginning, which, while awesome, is unfortunately true. It seems too reminiscent of last year's show and I get all of the "Brave New World" motifs with the wandering moments in the guard and body movements etc., but as good as this corps is and with the competition this year, this show faces new obstacles. However, it is well executed (still dirty though) and still has some room to grow. The audience dug it. Encore: random pop tune with Pachelbel Canon changes with possible modulation up a whole step


    Quite a warm reception for the Green Team from this Houston crowd; they love their Cavaliers. And Rosemont gave them good reason to. I can see why they have been the corps to beat all summer. They seem to have the most complete product on the field thus far. It's a very good show, well designed and integrated and all sections are clicking very well together with (comparitively) little dirt. It will be interesting to see what kind of changes they'll make to it to maintain a semblence of freshness as they enter the Regional season and stave off some pesky competitors. People have been saying that it seems to feed off of the energy of last year's show and I can see why; this show has a nice, dark, primal feel to it and it works very well with this corps and the audience. They do a good job of "framing" the stilt guy, but I feel they can work him in some more and make him more visible. The gimmicks are nice and, for some reason, don't really seem cheap. Reminds me of Cadets 2000 where the gimmicks were at the end of the show and added to this "celebration" motif, which seems to be the case here. The other corps' have their work cut out for them, but it's not impossible. Encore: Mars, some kind of rehash of their 1995 arrangement

    Blue Devils

    Not suprisingly, the Devils did very well tonight at the Berry Center. Their show has a real "old school" feel to it and it was dug by all. Very competent soloist in the opening number and wonderfully mature sounds from the hornline. A screamer had an issue in the middle of the show, but was vindicated at the end when the three upper leads lined up (in another wonderfully "old school" gesture) next to the pit and proceeded to play quite high. I just wish they didn't have to use those "house" props, just seems to give them another excuse not to move(as much). Nice show from them, don't think it'll win, but they have fun with it. Encore: Hmm, I can't really remember what they did, maybe another Bacharach tune?

    Santa Clara Vanguard

    I like where they want to go where this corps. I don't necessarily like where they are now. SCV has an interesting (and challenging) show with many a cool moment. I love Barber's First Essay and think it works well and their ballad (the Jenkins?) is gorgeous. Not suprisingly, the drumline is the standout section of the show and, at times, it seems that the bulk of their show is written with that in mind. Not necessarily a bad thing; it seems wise to play to strengths. The hornline is very well balanced and plays with a nice sound; unfortunately, the press-box is not located in the middle of the bottom tier. Moments need more projection and more effect and, really, the show needs to be sold better. This show probably has the most room to grow in the top 8. Encore: possibly Russian Christmas Music? Short and puzzling.

    Phantom Regiment

    A solid offering tonight from Rockford. No preshow, which was absolutely phenomenal. I need preshow like I need a parking ticket. I don't. The design and presentation of the "Romeo and Juliet" thing is well done and still has some potential growth. Brass are coming into their own. More "old school"-ness with regards to the chevron design on the uniform and the absence of the "Y" chromosome in the guard this year. Making the sharp contrast by having the "white" corps and the "black" guard serves the R&J motif well and the show moves well. Still obvious dirt, possibly from rewrites. The change in battery staff is noticeable, but not necessarily a detractor. Elsa's went well, crowd ate it up. Definitely a step above last year's show. Encore: Bacchanale from "Samson and Delilah" - Saint-Saens

    Carolina Crown

    I like cheese, but there is such a thing as too much. The crew from Carolina seem to be toeing that line. With a show like "Rach Star", it is going to be hard to tone it down, especially since part of the corps' modern identity seems to be direct audience involvement using popular music. The arrangements are good and the hornline creates sounds made of Jim Ott awards and, visually, they are actually fairly clean. The way in which they use "Bohemian Rhapsody" to create a narrative for the show is an interesting idea and it looks like they already changed their ending. Hopefully, it's not too early or maybe they'll change it again, who knows, but it seems like a very definitive end. Don't really think they need their props. Other than the timed trust exercise, it seems like more of a detractor and interferes with the way they cover the field. Good show, crowd loved it, however, I don't see it getting higher than 3rd. Encore: ELP's Karn Evil 9

    The Cadets

    I think as far as wholesome show design goes, I dig The Cadets' the most. A very cool idea, splitting the corps into "good" and "evil" they way they do and the way that the visually and musically battle one another and, ultimately, come together. Another show with a very "old school" vibe about it: lots of good ol' break-neck marching and playing as only The Cadets can do. If there is a show to challenge the Cavaliers, I'd like it to be this one and I think it can be. Needs some more cleaning. Encore: Journey's Don't Stop Believin'

    Thanks for reading my two-cents. I didn't stay for scores and all that electing, instead, to beat traffic, but all corps had very good things about them and very prominent areas in which they need to grow. San Antonio's later today, Atlanta next week, followed by Allentown, and then Finals. Clock's ticking.

    • Like 4
  2. to be fair, there are some beautiful moments in Regiment's hornline performance, in ALL dynamics, I might add. Their preshow and the end, for that matter, was just breathtaking and their arrangements are wonderfully done to showcase a layered and balanced hornline sound. It's just that their louds were a bit forced and there were a few tone criminals than were noticeable in the other corps that are in their league, more or less.

  3. Hello again. The Houston experience is complete. Even though I did slightly better on time tonight, I still ended up missing Teal Sound (boo), but managed to catch everyone else.

    Pioneer: Usually fairly indifferent to them. I thought they did well tonight. Nice size and they fill the show up rather well. Got some good ovations. And, of course, loved it when they trooped the stands.

    Crossmen: Caught them at field level (well, almost field level) so effect was pretty lost on me. Individually, there are still some issues that need addressing. I love that they are doing Metheny again and I would like to see this one move up, but with the thickness surrounding the 12 spot, they've got quite a ways to go.

    Colts: Usually fairly indifferent to them as well. Tonight was no exception. I thought they were cleaner than Crossmen and had a bit more demand in their product, but the show doesn't grab me. Neon green is not nearly as effective as we are led to believe, IMO.

    Madison Scouts: Yes. Good drum corps. That's what this show is. Very retro, very fitting for this edition of the Madison Scouts. The uniforms look fine and the show is being sold very well. This should be a lock for Finals.

    Blue Knights: Very accessible program, not unlike last year. I, for one, dug the years when they did dark, creepy stuff but they've lightened up and are being rewarded for it. They also got rid of that step that they did; that kinda sucks. Oh well, the best corps to come on thus far.

    Boston Crusaders: I'm glad they kept the white from last year; such a good choice. I like the concept of the kingdom and I dig the music selections. They are playing it fine but this design is going to keep them in the lower echelon this year. Still, a fun show that's got me thinking about where they got that music.

    Phantom Regiment: I was ready to be thoroughly disappointed after last year's Red Violin debacle. Not that it turned into a bad show, it's just that with such great music that was where they decided to go with it? I'm a big Kamen fan and know this piece fairly well. The arrangements are tastefully done and crafted just for that hornline sound. Unfortunately, the hornline isn't holding their end of the deal. Too much forcing and noise. Soloist is solid, which I guess he should be considering he doesn't march. But still, exposed is exposed. Visually, this is a HUGE step up from last year. Lots of HARD, HARD drill. Problem is I'm not sure they're getting the effect that they need from such efforts. But their feet looked great just the same. Drumline was smokin'. Could see this in 6th, but SCV brought it last night with a great show, so we'll see.

    Cavaliers: I was ready to not like this. Boy, was I wrong. I don't even know where to begin with this show. Hornline was good and clear, drums were fine. Michael Gaines comes through once again with some very impressive drill. I loved the guard uniforms; very "Equilibrium"-esque. The rifle part at the end was very cool. I kinda need to see it again to wrap my head around it but a very pleasant suprise from the Green crew this year.

    Cadets: Another cool show. I'm glad George Hopkins decided to put his agenda on hold and do some drum corps for a change. I really like the concept; the "kid" is selling his role very well. Herald trumpets were a nice touch and it's cool to see the guard in the corps uniform. As another person commented, I am worried that they are reaching the maximum that this show has to offer too soon. I wasn't suprised that Cavaliers beat them tonight.

    Blue Devils: Guys. This is number 14. Sorry. I admit the mirrors are a bit clunky and can be distracting, especially on a first read, but they are being used very well to communicate their concept anywhere they want. I love the Graettanger on the field but the end is a bit selfish. I wish they would have reprised La Suerte for the end rather than throw the audience to the wolves of serialism. They are clean, very clean and the design of the show (not just mirrors) is heads above anybody else. Combine that with a performance level that is just unparalleled with anything I have seen yet and you've got another undefeated season. Many people may not like that, but I can't see anybody coming close to this. I just hope that they don't score much higher than last year at Finals.

  4. Greetings from muggy Houston. With the exception of a rather pesky rain delay, it was a great night for drum corps at the beautiful Berry Center.

    Cascades: Sorry guys, due to the wonder that is Houston traffic, I missed you. I'm sure it was solid; hopefully I'll catch some of it later.

    Pacific Crest: I managed to catch them just as I got in the stadium. I like the show and their performance of it. A bit dirty still and fairly low and demand so I doubt it will challenge for a much higher spot, but the members are selling it very well and the crowd was very receptive. Thanks for coming out guys!

    Mandarins: Cool show concept. I could've done with out the synthizizer effects, but the exoticism is cool. Very, very dirty both visually and musically. The product is there but performance has to be stepped up, I think, in order to challenge. A bit more demand than PC.

    Spirit: It's nice to see that they are "Spirit of Atlanta" again. The new uniforms are cool and can provide some very interesting visual effect. Whether or not it does so in this show is something entirely different. It seems that they try to, but it doesn't work as well as is intended, but it provides for some potential in the years to come. Show-wise, the whole "Icon" thing seems a bit corny, and the whole "forging an icon" with audio track and sledge hammer props don't help with that. That being said, they make it work and look/sound decent while doing so. A lock for Semis, Finals? Eh...

    The Academy: Love the Borodin program. A very solid offering by The Academy that may very well make Finals. Not much else to say, really, just a very solid show solidly performed.

    Troopers: I love the Troopers and I loved that they made Finals for the first time in 20-some-odd years last year. This show has the potential to do that for them again, but there are too many little things. Individuals not reading the form correctly, sticking out for too long, even some phasing. June errors can't be happening in late July. I think this show has a ways to go before it can challenge Glassmen or hold off Academy for #12, but it is definitely possible.

    Glassmen: As a former member, I have a soft spot for the G-men, I did not think this year's show is that strong an offering. First, the hornline is not selling that book. More contrast, detail, I guess maturity is the word I'm looking for. I need more maturity in their performance. They had some stick-out issues like Troopers did. The concept is interesting, but the pace of the show is pretty slow. I've heard people this season refer to them as "Boring" and I think they are not too far off. If Troopers or Academy get cleaner and more GE in their shows, I don't see this show as being strong enough to hold them off.

    Blue Stars: I guess now might be just as good a time as any to say that I really hate pre-show stuff. Call me old fashioned, but it seems improper to begin anything on the field before you have been given permission by the crowd/announcer.

    At least these guys did salute during their pre-show stuff in response to the announcer. Anyways, yeah, I get the whole Houdini thing, the whole magic thing, but it doesn't seem to do it for me. I don't know, with all of the props, boxes and chairs, I don't know what I was expecting. It was well performed, A LOT of movement for those guys; kudos to the members for making that drill work. Sound is fine. Apparently there was some kind of trick at the end of the show, but I missed it, I was looking elsewhere. Ehh, I'll see it again in the theater; maybe it'll be different. A solid lock for Finals though.

    Santa Clara Vanguard: I really dug this show. SCV did a very good job of making it their own and not being held to the ideals set by Star 93. Visual design was very tasteful throughout and the music was very well done as well. Very delicate and deliberate, which not just any corps could pull it off.

    Bluecoats: Bloo is for real this year. It seems they've got all cylinders clicking; they've got the show, hornline is great, drums are solid and the visual program is very neat. Some visual dirt. Really cool music. It probably won't win this year, but it certainly might medal.

    Carolina Crown: My God, that hornline is the stuff dreams are made of. By and large, some of the cleanest, clearest, most mature hornline playing I have heard in DCI. That being said, the show is very cool but it is lacking that "x factor" of last year's show. As much potential as they have in horns, drums, guard and drill, this design, I don't think, won't be enough. The members are performing it very well and it is quite clean already; I'm worried that unless some changes take place (which now is the time to do it), this show will peak too soon and allow for other corps to pass them up. In either case, I think it will medal. From what I hear about the Devils this year though, it won't win.

    Well, there you go. I look forward to Day 2 tomorrow.

    Thanks for reading.

  5. Good evening all from Houston, Tx and what a fine day/night it was for drum corps.

    After some delicious food from Husky's, I arrived at the beautiful Berry Center in Cypress, Tx at around 6:30pm to get my ticket and watch some corps'. It turned out to be a bit of a walk through some treacherous terrain but I managed to catch some of Pacific Crest's hornline and drumline as well as listen to Boston's hornline warm up. It was about 7:15 when I headed back to the stadium.

    Mandarins - Sorry guys, I was still walking back from the stadium/listening to Boston's warmup. I'm sure you guys did a great job and I wish best of luck in the future.

    Pacific Crest - managed to catch most of this show and watched the rest from the side. A very solid product from Pacific Crest this year. Some issues with cleanliness both musically and visually, of course, but a very entertaining show and a very fine representation of some West Coast drum corps. Thanks for coming out!

    Spirit - I had heard about this show so I wasn't sure what to expect, if anything. I am definitely not a fan of electronics and narration in drum and bugle corps and this show is no exception. The members are doing great with everything they are taught, I just think some of the narration was a bit excessive, even if it was necessary to sell the product. Execution is definitely a step up from PC and, like I said, the members sell the show very well and make for a very enjoyable performance. Again, some cleanliness issues that nag at them but some good sounds coming from the hornline and drumline. Whether or not this show is strong enough to make finals is another story, but Spirit is certainly on track.

    Crossmen - I am sorry, East Coast, for your loss of this great drum corps, but I am very happy that they have found a new home in San Antonio. This year's show is a very dark one with shades of Medea and black capes and other nefarious niceties and it certainly works for the Crossmen. Even though I had their execution slightly sub par compared to Spirit, there are several moments in that show that seem to scream GE. I have a feeling that this show has quite a bit more growth left in it and I am anxious to see what will transpire in the next few weeks; the race to that 12th spot will be a tight one indeed.

    Boston Crusaders - I have admittedly never been a Boston fan and have actually been very anti - Boston in the past, but this show is simply wonderful. First of all, the white baldric and plumes are very striking with the red and black; kudos to whoever thought of that one. The lone dancer was very good and very brave to do what she did, especially the pre show stuff when all eyes are on her. I heard these guys in the parking lot, and a lot of it transferred to the field which was great news. Boston came to play; clearly a step above Spirit and Crossmen tonight in performance and execution, and making such lush, LOUD sounds. The pacing of the show is very good, reminds me very much of their 2000 show, and the Bacchanale closer is just great. Boston has had a reputation for being a "nacho corps"; don't let this year's show be the "nacho show". Go see it!

    Intermission - twiddled my thumbs for 17 minutes

    Glassmen - as an alumni of this fine organization, I am very biased towards the Glassmen. They do have a very solid show this year, but sadly, it left me flat. Not a lot of contrasts or peaks in design which kind of wears on you after 11 minutes. The Glassmen has never been a hornline corps, and this year is no exception. The book is good and the low brass sounds fairly solid but something has got to be done about the high brass. Many tone criminals in the high brass, specifically sopranos. Also, too dirty for this time in the season or for my taste. However, criticisms aside, I thought this was a very solid, consistant program from the Glassmen that will probably solidify their place in finals, but they way things are rumbling down in 13th-15th land, I wouldn't get to comfortable if I were them. Good luck!

    Blue Stars - I have been aware of the tremendous growth of this organization for quite some time, and I enjoyed the bicycle show last year, so I was looking forward to tonight's performance. As a rule, I'm not too crazy about an overt use of props on the field but it is very creative what they were able to do with them. Plus the props add to their field coverage making them look enormous, especially following the comparitively bare Glassmen. Man do those horns sound great! That first moment made my night and F major never sounded so good! The show is cool, kind of a WWII vibe, wasn't too crazy about the sound bytes towards the end of the ballad, not sure if that was necessary or not. In short, a very good show from the Blue Stars, solidly executed and performed.

    Carolina Crown - Ah, Crown. The moment had come at last. I had to see what was turning heads all season long and I can certainly see why. Such mature sounds coming out of that hornline and very tight ensemble playing. And man are they CLEAN! The design also looks very mature, which is the only thing I'm worried about with this corps. They have been at the top of the drum corps world all summer and still have 5 more weeks with regionals so I am worried that this show may not have the longevity to compete with some of the more experienced design teams. But at the moment (and I haven't seen the other half of DCI), this is the best show in DCI right now, both in design and performance. Let's just see what happens in the next few weeks.

    Holy Name Cadets - Happy Anniversary to you, HNC and man, am I glad to see you putting out a quality show for a change. This is not a knock against the members, who always do a fine show, but I'm glad George Hopkins was able to put his agenda on hold for a season so the Cadets can have a good, old-fashioned vintage drum corps show i.e. a great show. Some design kinks, perhaps, in the swing section and towards the end but they look great and sound great. There's nothing like that vintage Cadets sound combined with the breakneck drill that sets the field on fire and this show does it. Whether or not they will win (which certainly is a possibility) is a moot point, this is just a great drum corps show. Kudos, Holy Name and good luck to you!

    Phantom Regiment - Ah, good ol' Regiment. I also have special feelings for this corps, having marched there my last year, and combined with the premise of them playing "The Red Violin", I was raring to go. Musically, it is so strong. The hornline is playing with remarkable maturity matched only by Crown tonight, IMO, and Paul Rennick's drumline is smokin' as par. The arrangements are very well done with considerable demand being met with a very high level of execution. Visually and overall, it leaves me wanting. First of all, still some dirt in the form that is too obvious, which needs to be cleaned up yesterday. Didn't really notice any feet issues, but than again I wasn't looking for any. Design-wise, I'm just not sure they are conveying their story of The Red Violin in a very convincing manner. It gets kind of cluttered and the end isn't that final, which I've come to expect from Phantom Regiment. But, if I know that design team, they are planning for this show to bloom right on Finals night, so it is not shocking to see where they are in the standings. But, the stuff that is within the members' control i.e. form dirt and feet dirt needs to be cleaned up if they hope to compete.

    Sorry for my complete ignorance of colorguard. I am a hornline alumnus and have very little experience in that department and didn't watch/notice that much.

    Hope this proves useful; I go back for Round 2 tomorrow.

    Good night.

  6. Folks:

    You are missing the point.

    Whether Madison is or is not in financial straights at this very point is not the question.

    The point is would not the money be better spent by infusing it back into the organization to promote the young men of tomorrow? (instead of spending money on plane tickets, gas for the car, food, lodging)

    Was it really necessary to see a bunch of grown men whom already had the opportunity to march in a highly recognized corps in the past, march again? (The consensus is that the Alumni corps was more entertaining then the young men on the field that night representing the orgainization).

    "They" say the Scouts are losing their roots by performing programs that are not in the Madison tradition.

    By providing the funds the corps can take that tradition to the next level without having to "play the game" to the hilt. The Scouts of recent have changed to make sure they stay in the mainstream and to maintain the money flow via DCI. (Was that not the basis for Scott being asked to leave)

    However, to "play the game" it takes money.

    Therefore, to provide the young men of the Scouts of today and tomorrow to "play the game" and take the tradition to the next level it takes money. (That is just a fact of life in DCI today)

    But apparently it was more important for the alumni to relive their past instead of providing for the future.

    In other words, did the Scouts of 2006 get the best bang for their buck???

    Rather had the Alumni infused the money they spent to field an alumni corps to the organization prior to the 2006 season maybe the staff would have had the resources to field a "traditional" Scouts' within the ambit of "playing the game" and hence been a force to be reckon with.

    If Sal had the resources he could have fielded a dynamite corps and no one would have said anything different, though the corps may have done something differently musically, it would have nevertheless been stylish--in the Madison tradition.

    They just could not carry it off this year because the corps did not have the adequate backing for it.

    Dude.. chill out. They were just having fun. Don't make this a big deal, cause it's really not

  7. The first live drum & bugle corp competition I saw was in 1985. SCV pulled off their magic pants and BD did their stuff at a competition in Hayward, CA. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. A fan every since.

    My first live drum corps experience was seeing Madison live in Houston in 2001.... AWESOME!! That did it for me

  8. In my home town it was a man named Don Robitaille. He gave so much time to us and we were never a big corps so he rarely go any pr, but without him my youth would have been greatly different, Thank you Don Robitaille for all you did without so much as a thank you, you are truly agreat man for your dedication and hard work in youth activity. I would like this topic to be a tribute to the small corps directors who deserve recognition, please top 12, your directors did excellent jobs, but have also been greatly recognized. This is for all the Don Robitailles that gave us our memories..

    2002 -2003: Brian Hickman... awesome guy, very smart, very cool

    2005: Pat Seidling... ######, great guy, also very smart

  9. It took me a long time to finish that last segment of that particular series ("Down the Road, parts 1-10") because it was painful to remember/think about. I have, however, since finished it (sometime in December last, I believe).


    There you go. Enjoy my misery. :P

    And Dave Anderson had a part in where you marched? Are you a former student of his or something? What is he up to nowadays?

    Oh. Sorry that you didn't enjoy that summer as much as the others. I was about to reply to my own post cause I had just now found that you had updated; I didn't know you were still writing those. But yeah, I actually haven't talked to Dave in a while, he was my sop tech at Glassmen in 2002 and he would tell us stories of when he marched and there was this sort of weird mystique surrounding it that was kind of cool. At the time I still thought of 1999 when I thought of Regiment so I initially wasn't that impressed, but the more he got into it and I eventually unearthed some videos from the older days (93 was first) and I sort of understood where he was coming from (it was also cool to see him have a closeup in finals that year).

    But anyway, I digress, last I hear he is still up in the Dallas, Tx area and is married with a kid.

  10. hey Nikk.... great review. This is kinda off topic and you don't know me but I was a very avid reader of your tour journals and drum corps articles at your website. See, my first exposure to Regiment was with my first DCI videos which were 1999, not the best example from Regiment. So as a result, I was very blah on the Regiment, and when I marched Glassmen, I really disliked them. But reading your articles helped paint a different picture for me concerning Regiment. I would say this plus the influence of Dave Anderson helped make me want to march Phantom Regiment last year, and even though I didn't age out and I'm not even sure if I am going to march again; I do know that I will march Phantom Regiment. So, for what it's worth, thank you for helping to reintroduce me to my corps of choice. I really appreciate it.

    P.S. At the end of your 1993 journal you had alluded to an unpleasent summer the next year, but we never got to find out why 1994 was such a bad year, if you still read these replies, I wonder, what happened?


  11. Great review!

    One question: In Revo's review you say "they did not fail to dissapoint", yet you seemed pleased with their show. Was that just an error in grammar?

    Don't mean to harp on you, just trying to figure it out.

    Yes, sorry about that. It was indeed an error in grammar. What I meant was "did not fail to impress", "did not disappoint" or something along those lines. It was a bit late last night and I was probably starting to check out. Oh well, thanks for bringing that to my attention.

  12. ok... greetings to all you dcp-ers. Long time reader, first time reviewer so here goes.

    The Venue: Berry Stadium in Cypress, Tx: Very nice stadium, large press box, plenty of seats and a grass-tro turf field. Only complaint was that this was the inaugural event for the stadium having just been built, so people didn't exactly know how to run it and what to expect. This resulted in people waiting 10 minutes for people to locate stamps for reentry and extreme congestion at the concessions, but all things considered: a pleasent experience.

    The Weather: A very humid, not so hot day with a very calm, cool night. No precipitation and basicly great weather for the drum corps spectator; the first few corps probably had it a little rough but certainly when it was time for Spirit, the weather was very chilled, for Texas.

    Revolution - I had heard that they were having a great year and they did not fail to disappoint. Music was pretty cool, I think BK 2003, and they did rather well, quite balanced for a hornline of that size and certainly a credit to their staff. Some intonation issues and uniformity issues but nothing that can't be fixed. Visually, they have a bit left to clean, which isn't necessarily bad, it just means that that is what they need to take the show to the next level. Form wise it wasn't bad, I'm talking more individual technique wise. About the guard and drumline, I liked them both but as those areas are somewhat foreign to me, that is all I can say; it does no good to talk of things I haven't the knowlege to back up. But if they keep this up and keep growing, they will be a force to be reckoned with in the seasons to come. Kudos Revo

    Pioneer - Mandarins - sorry guys, I went to go hear some hornlines warmup, I will catch you guys in San Antonio.

    Spirit - Very nice, that opening hit... just says it all. They definitely have a hornline this year and they don't suck. Not in the slightest. The show is very Spirit, I think, and it works for them. Only complaint... still a bit dirty and a missed release after a huge brass hit. Just little things but it's the little things that seperate the men from the boys, right? Again, easy stuff to fix, they should make finals, easy.

    SCV - So... I didn't know what to expect from the 06 SCV. A very interesting show nonetheless. As is a very common description for this show, it just doesn't stop. There is always some element that keeps things moving either visually or musically, and since the show is MOTO PERPETUO, I suppose that is appropriate. I liked it though. Performed rather well, the drill is quite good, kudos Pete Weber, just gotta clean those box rotations, like those priority diags just stick out like a sore thumb. And their horns could light up a Christmas tree with that sound. I'm talkin' BRIGHT. Not that that's a bad thing, just stuck out. I just like how they looked out there; they looked and sounded like Vanguard, the tradition and class that has become such an integral part of their identity, and this show fits it to a tee. So, with everyone else, just needs cleaning and they will have a heck of a show.

    Crown - Their show painted a visual/musical portrait of someone deep in thought. Most interesting. They did communicate this concept very well using a lot of nuances from having everything go crazy to hearing some very isolated, independent themes. A very witty horn book by Mike Klesch, and an extremely talented hornline to boot. Man those horns especially in that opening hit..... stuff that dreams are made out of. They have definitely come a long way in a very short time and their still coming. Doubtful if they can touch the top 5 this year, but with this kind of talent, who knows about the future?

    Cavaliers - as a music education major attending the prestigious University of Houston, I get plenty of exposure to the Cavalier ideals, both from members that I go to school with and the ideas they are taught via my band director who is their caption head. That being said I knew what to expect when it came to the Cavalier sound. I knew that they were going to sound immaculate and the balance was going to be impeccable. What I didn't know was that they could be loud too. Folks, the Green Machine is loud this year, and they have the book to show off that magnificent hornline. Drums could use more exposure, not for more cool sound effects either. I mean they have a really cool break in there, but eh.. something missing I think. The guard is just.... words cannot describe. So creative and innovative is the guard product this year, that it is very hard to comment on it in todays vernacular. The drill of course was amazing as I knew it would be. The show is oozing GE and there are so many user friendly moments that it boggles the mind. Just gotta do something about that ending, which I hear is in the works and should be ready by Atlanta. But that is what is holding them back now is the weak ending. Fix that and the Green Team just might bring home trophy number 7

    Sorry if this seemed a little scatter-brained, I didn't really intend on doing a review, just sorta spur of the moment. Any questions about any of this and I will try and answer best I can.

    Thanks and you stay classy DCP

    oh yeah :worthy: is this like a ninja or something, what emotion is this guy trying to convey. Just a question, thanks

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