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Posts posted by MikeBob

  1. People showed up...ill give them that. Note to self, dont get cheap seats...i got tired of hearing BK called bluecoats, confusion at blooing, 'ohh...they dont have any girls' for cavies, and other random newbie mistakes. Its teh finalz...I can has a clue?

    Oops! Sorry for all the newbies at the show! Now back to the magical East Coast you go, where everyone is well-educated and courteous.

  2. Umm...yeah. Its not a matter of marching the show, its a matter of letting the guys that worked hard all year get a chance to be out in front of the crowd in the super suits. They were probably in halfs to keep them distinguished. Agaiin, i could be wrong, but until someone who knows gets here....

    Um... yeah. Then my question is "Why not let them come out in the full uni?" Four fully suited Cavies standing against the wall is distinguishing enough, IMO. I mean, if that's the way they do things, that's the way they do things, but I just found it odd, is all.

  3. See, "alternates" came up in discussion, but these guys were half out of uniform and didn't get into the other half. This doesn't seem very conducive to jumping in at the drop of a hat. I'd still be surprised if they were keeping alternates handy for the last performance of the year, though. I don't think I've ever seen that.

  4. Loved this year's show. I was so happy for them Friday night when they jumped to 5th -- and even happier tonight when they stayed there! The whole Bluecoats/Crown/SCV/Phantom block was just a great crop of shows, IMO, but out of all of them SCV's is special because it didn't rely on -- forgive the term -- a gimmick. And it made me unconditionally happy for 11 minutes. Thanks, SCV.

    Here's to Top 4 -- where you belong -- next year.

  5. Tonight, at Cavies' finals performance, four Cavies -- in bottom halves only, carrying their top halves and hats -- walked onto the field with the corps but didn't take the field with them. What was the deal with these guys? I can't figure it out, and I'm so curious about it that I had to come back to DCP to try to get an answer. Did anyone else notice this tonight? Anyone know what the story is?

  6. Hey Mike,

    Love hearing that you're writing about drum corps at UCI. I graduated from there in 2005 and marched with Pacific Crest from 01-05.

    The current drum major at PC is attending UCI and I think at least one guard member is at UCI as well. Check Facebook.com. There's a Pacific Crest @ UCI facebook group.

    Good luck, Mike, and keep up with the good work :-)


    Thanks! I just graduated myself. It'd be great to find someone from PC and someone else from, say, Impulse. I've meant to get to this sooner, but if I can't find someone before Memorial Day Weekend, I'll keep at it next week.

    And for any current UCI students who may be reading: See first post.

  7. Hey there! I'm a writer for UC Irvine's newspaper, the New University. I'd love to find a couple UCI students who are marching drum corps this season to interview for an article -- and if you could take some pictures for me of Memorial Day rehearsal this weekend, that'd rock. I'd like to conduct the interview sometime before the weekend. It shouldn't take too long, and you know you want to shove a little drum corps in the campus's collective face.

    PM me and let's do this. Thanks!

  8. I have to be honest and say that I am disappointed that not many here could actually give an educated response, instead of just making fun. I do find this a serious issue, but,.. who am I.

    You have to understand how many times this topic has already been raised, discussed, beaten, and buried in the past. Most regulars around here on either side of the fence are probably a little weary of it, and the discussions always seem to come down to "Is not!" vs. "Is too!" anyway.

    As for "death of drum corps as we knew it," that's already happened time and again. Talk to the guys who lament the death of the pre-WWII drum corps for some perspective. Each of us has a different vision of what drum corps "should" be, but whatever our opinions are as spectators and alumni, they're not going to shape the actions of those who are actively involved in drum corps today. I don't like amps, but amps are here to stay, and me not liking them isn't going to change that. You don't like Bb horns, but guess what? Same thing. Whatever era in which any of us may have marched, we have to realize that it's someone else's ball game now. If you had a time machine (like me -- they're pretty sweet) and could go back to any year of drum corps in the past few decades, there'd always be an "old guard" complaining about how much things have changed. The only difference now is that we have the Internet. No need to fear the death of drum corps: it's happened, it's happening, and will continue to happen. It's called "change."

  9. The Madison Scouts Reunion Project has clearly proven that doing drum corps as it was, is still the way to go.

    This is a reckless oversimplification of the situation. If you think the MSARP was the success it was (and it was awesomely successful) simply because they played "Slaughter" and stood still for most of their show, you're being myopic. I understand you want things to be how they were "back when," whenever your "back when" may have been, but distorting this event to justify your opinion is... bad.

  10. I really loved the Mr. Moto concept for Vanguard this year.

    starting and ending the show... always going around the field. really cool. I was on the very front row, about 5 yards away from where he begins his circle around the field. I also loved how he would do visuals and horn cues with the rest of the tpts.

    I heard a RUMOR about how this was an improvised part for a performer who was injured during the season... is this true at all?

    He was a vet who was injured and couldn't march, so the design staff came up with the Mr. Moto concept. Worked out beautifully. Serendipitous.

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