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Posts posted by sopemloud

  1. ....because kids are smart....especially drum corps kids. And they see through the BS.

    THANK YOU! I've been waiting for years for someone to say that!

    why do lower tier div. I corps fail? here's my 2 cents.

    there's a certain amount of misery and dissappointment that comes with taking on a membership with a lower tier corp. a great example of it is on DCP. In the review forums... how many people post a review and say it's for say...quarterfinals... the member goes to look at the review for feedback from their performance during the season. they read the thing only to find that the review was only for the top six corps. they keep looking for it..and when they finally do find their corp mentioned, all it says is that the author left to get a hot dog. LAME!

    no one wants to work hard and give their all to a show, knowing in advance that it will be ignored.

    no one wants to try out for a corp that they hear people teasing at shows.

    no one wants to be considered a joke.

    if the ENTIRE drum corps community would treat lower tier div I and the Div. II/III corps as legit marching entertainment units instead of filler time while the top 6 are in warm up...well, i think you can see where i'm going.

    you never see lower tier corps or div II/III on the dci posters they send to schools to advertise shows. you don't see them in the live broadcasts...and you really won't ever see them if you leave while they are trying to perform for you.

    little story...i marched in a lower tier div 1 corp my first year. at my first show, my mom seeing the crowd shuffle, got up thinking it was some sort of an intermission. she left her seat and missed my first drum corp performance ever...because so many people left to go watch their fav. corp in the lot or buy a t-shirt or hotdog.

    it starts with you, the fans, the aged out, the dcp'ers. this is a plea from the membership of the lower tier div I. we may not be the best...but we'll give you everything we've got. please don't discourage that by leaving or excluding us from reviews. we just want to be noticed. check us out...all of us. on the field and in the lot. if you do, more people will see that the lower tier is worthwhile...and maybe we can bridge the gap between the top and bottom.

  2. Maybe...Esperanza is going to field a corps this year and not audition anyone. It's possible.

    this may be a little O/t but...could you elaborate?

    (alien abduction of new members :ph34r: ...all returning vets :worthy: ... first come first serve for spots :rolleyes: ... downloading the drill and music into peoples minds therefore cutting the costs of auditions/rehearsal camps and instructional staff B) ...really, any of those sound cool.

    Um...No matter how they do it...Go E!

  3. there is stil hope...there is still hope

    and by hope, i mean Esperanza of course! don't let these people here on dcp fool you. nothing is true until it's official and and right now anything saying anything other than yes is sorta disrepectful.

    can't wait to see them this year.

    the end.

  4. I did some research on this last year.

    DCT does contain small traces of camphor.

    what camphor does is help relax the tissue in you lips

    according to WIKIPEDIA:

    "Camphor is readily absorbed through the skin and produces a feeling of cooling similar to that of menthol and acts as slight local anesthetic and antimicrobial substance"

    products like Carmex have very high concentrations of camphor. too much can be damaging to your lips especially when combined with menthol in large amounts.

    DCT has a very small amount. just enough to be effective in cooling and leave no damage to the lip tissue.

    they ya go...that's what i know.

    i use DCT when i'm out in the sun...and chopsaver indoors. save the expensive stuff for the high end expensive symphonic world...use the tough stuff for the grunt work. :rolleyes:

  5. i noticed none of the D1 regional corps, as well as Surf, which had been rumored to be regional D1.

    i thought there were no "regional" corps any more.

    i was under the impression that the title had been thrown out and some corps just choose to take limited touring schedules. Please explain. :grouphug:

  6. 1. really, i want to march anywhere that is stable and has a tradition of being awesome. somewhere that draws the people that want to work hard and get something done. i know...i know...that's what drum corp is about you might say...unfortunately not every corp is full of people that know what they're doing or why they're there.

    also, it would have to be a corp with a conducting spot open. ( or that marches flugelhorns :worthy: )

    2. why? i'm used to marching where the talent standard is at a minimum.

    so when it's time to hit the field, it's hard to trust the person next to you because you feel like they don't know what they're doing. :worthy:

  7. Jeez, what's to stress about?

    Just get there about an hour early, make someone save your seat, then go watch your favorite corps warm up and get back to your seat in time to watch Blue Devils.

    Beer in the parking lot is cool if you don't get caught.

    Be sure to buy shirts from the smaller corps, because they really need your dollars! no joke!

    Stay late in case there is a "victory concert" (pr0bably going to be the Blue Devils)

    Bring your DAT recorder, but don't let the DCI people see you recording.

    buy a hot dog during Esperanza or Pacific Crest, but don't miss Vanguard.

    Have fun!

    You better get off the computer and get going now...


  8. Having been a member of a corp in a year that...for some reason...

    had the first two corps to perform BEFORE the national anthem and BEFORE the tickets said the show was to start... :beer::beer:

    well, It's not a pleasant feeling coming out and seeing, not only are the stands empty...but the line to the concession stand has more people than the seats do...ouch.

    I will never really be able to understand or forgive what happened. my family who flew across the country to see quarterfinals...along with the rest of the audience...was basically TOLD to show up late.

    as for the rest of the shows...where the audience is informed of the CORRECT start time...i beg of you...please at least catch those first few corps once during the season.

  9. It often gets discouraging to see these arguments as a "new generation" marching member. I don't know how many of you realize this.

    When I am marching with the other young adults I want to be the best I can make myself and my corp. My generation is constantly reminded that what we do is "not real drum corp because it's not in G" or that we "should go back to doing things the old way".

    The people that say this don't seem to believe that those changes were made...because that's how drum corp evolved. Maybe those changes are what makes US , as the new generation of performers feel like we are putting out a good product.

    I have never thought, or been around anyone that has said "wow, this is great, but it would be even better if we played it on outdated and almost logistically impossible to obtain equipment...and while we're at it... “Let’s use a technique that we don't already use because we found one that works better for us!” (An exaggeration I know...but it gets the point across)

    Sometimes we just want to feel like drum corp is our own now.

    We look up to, respect, and thoroughly enjoy the "old way". Not because we want to do Things exactly that way now...but because we respect and appreciate what was done with the innovations of past generations.

    We may listen to the old recording and...Yes the sound is wonderful...watching it, the technique works and fits. We may love it. That doesn't mean we want to go do things that way. Maybe we just want our hard work to go towards our own take on things. Maybe we want to be that awesome, but the new way.

    As for the approach, it may be different...but that is only because the teaching/writing generation learned some things from their teachers and then created their own variations.

    As to what corp would make the switch...I’d say none. Why? Because we don't want to BE you...we want to be Like you in our way. It’s not appealing to the membership, it’s not responsible, and it’s not logical.

    Lets face it…drum corp is a self-interested activity. If you march, you march to make yourself better, and make your corp better. You march to add your story to the drum corp chronicles. Yes, pleasing the fans is…wonderful. Pleasing Alumni and the generation before you…awesome. But for everyone I know at least…pleasing yourself through your innovation of the activity and having your own experience is what matters. So switching to a foreign horn or drum head or forcing the pit to march…though it may help ease some of your worries as the more…matured generations of drum corp, it will not bring back your experiences and may very well prove detrimental to the current generation and the ones still to come.

    Long live drum corp. And long live innovation.


  10. So, i have a question for the people of dcp regarding community service in drum corp.

    what kinds of things do todays DCI corps do out there that effect not just the members, but the community?

    If anyone could give specific examples of corps that do special community service i would appreciate it.


  11. Hey, Drumcorpswiki is an excellant resource for people just getting involved in the drum corp activity. Each Corp Has a page that can be added to and edited by all us drum corp nuts. I've learned so much more about the personalities and traditions of each corp by reading them. They were especially helpful to find out about corps i wouldn't normally read about. Have you guys found anything interesting on here while searching through these "encyclopedia entries" ?


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