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Posts posted by prokofiev11

  1. Drum writers used to write to make the percussion parts fit the music, now they ram in as many notes as possible.

    As a fan and *slightly* biased toward the perc side [not a vet, but a musician in my own right, so take my comments as you will], I have to say this is a really unfair statement -- a lot of the perc books out there are extremely technically complicated while still fitting in stylistically with the shows. To imply that all percussion composers [you'll note that I did not say "drum writers"] are out to showcase chops and lacking a sense of overall musicality is a gross overstatement, and vastly underestimates the talent and hard work involved in putting together an effective show. Just my two cents.

  2. As far as Glassmen, i was surprised since last year i liked what was happening. Their book appears a lot harder this year, but much dirtier. I wonder if their staff has changed since '05.

    Caption head is the same, but most of the techs are different.

  3. Cookies are still being offered for the prediction of any correct score. I'm amazed that only 1 person has gotten a correct score since I started this idea....lol

    I'm not particularly superstitious, but somehow I feel like I'll jinx the corps I like if I try to predict their scores.

  4. It should also be interesting to see Scouts, Glassmen, Crown, and Crusaders tonight... should be a tossup between Scouts and G-men, followed by BAC and then Crown, based on the scores I've been seeing -- I'm not particularly well versed in any of their perc books. :worthy: I don't think the overall scores will play out that way, though.

  5. It seems like the reviews on DCP have been really guard and hornline heavy, so I was wondering if maybe we could get some percussion insight, too...

    So far it seems like PR drumline is coming out swinging, but has anyone else noticed that for most of their features, they're standing still? No disrespect intended at all -- I think they're awesome, truly, definition of the word, i.e. awe-inspiring. Come to think of it... Bluecoats line stands still a lot too. And even though I'm not in love with Cadets show this year, I think the feature on the table is... hmm... impressive and perhaps even charming. That being said, I'm not by any means a perc expert, so anyone else's thoughts on all the lines this year? (Pits, too - don't want to leave them out. :) )

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