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Posts posted by RickyRicardo

  1. I'm sorry to hear that Jamey Thompson has left. I think it was a good fit for both he and the Regiment.

    I think one of their big issues, well two issues actually are staff retention, and, sorry to say, knowing how to write for white uniforms.

    When a corps is constantly in transition (i.e. new drill writer every few years) there is a learning curve time where the drill-writer and the corps become comfortable with each other. I think one of the big reasons the Cavaliers are successful is the staff retention over the years. Michael Gaines and Jay Murphy have been with their respective corps for a good long time. The Cadets have switched writers over the years, but they seem to be with people that have worked with the corps previously, so the learning curve is minimized.

    The white uniforms are classic Phantom, but it takes special writing to keep the corps from looking "blob-like" when they move. No matter how well they execute, if it is not written properly, it will look "clumpy." You have to use the whole field and not limit yourself with props everywhere. For me, this year, that was a problem.

  2. I put on the brakes hardcore to avoid destroying a guard judge who was kneeling down... just under the front of a xylo I was sprinting to. I later regretted it when she (by all accounts unfairly) tore our guard apart and cost us a spot in semi's.

    When did they put the guard judges on the field?

  3. already been done... check out Cadets 93, about 4:50 in to the show where there is a snare feature and the guard is in the background... the guard tosses and then catches the rifle in their legs...

    i find it funny how you try to make a retort with something that might seem impossible, but alas has already been done, more than a decade ago nonethe less

    St. Anthony's Everett rifle line did this "effect" in 1979 in their winterguard show.

  4. not to my recollection...but that whole pole moment was added right near the end of the season, so they didn't have as many opportunities for problems. Perhaps in 94, when the pole climb was first introduced (and done more than once in the show and for more of the season), might have had more opportunity for mishaps...


    That was the guard sergeant, Warren. If they ever dropped him, they'd be on kitchen clean-up until they aged out. They never dropped him and he never slipped off.

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