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Posts posted by Cadetsaholic

  1. "inflation" only counts in the first few weeks of tour when everyone hasn't competed together.

    so do you think the scores are legit? or are you still blaming this show's panel for unreasonable scores, especially ones that favor the Cadets? That's all I am asking, I'm not trying to be rude or anything. To be honest, I haven't been here for the past six months (in Iraq), so I am just wondering what is going on in the DCI scene. But as soon as I return to the board, it seems like the same old stuff (high scores for cadets = complaining about judges). What's the deal?

  2. That just means scores are a little high, and if you look at the panel tonight i bet that at least 3 of them will not be judging finals week.

    or other judges scored them too high and didn't allow for the judges (tonight's) any room to give the corps the scores the deserve based on improvements and new implementations.

  3. The French perspective...I can see it now...the colorguard could all spin white flags and they could use the amps to tell everyone they surrender.

    I hope you are kidding, because that is just rude to dishonor the French Fighting Forces like that. Without the French, we wouldn't be a nation. ANd I was serious about my suggestion, obviously it was not "clever" enough for your one-track mind.

  4. MST. So it is 10 for those people and It is 9 PM for us West Coasters. Looking at the beach and the sand, and thanking God it is the blasted Desert of Iraq :) Scores should be up in an hour or so, right?

    P.S. can anyone read my comment in the Cadets 2008 Open Source Topic and give me some feedback. I'm in a GREAT DRUM CORPS MOOD, but no one replied yet, :(

  5. It's been a while on this board, but here I go with my suggestion:

    First, just coming back from Iraq with the US Navy, I think Hopkins is right on with a DoI show. But, I don't know if anyone has thought about this idea--how did the DoI affect other nations, i.e. France, England, Belgium. I think it would be awesome to use the French perspective, since they helped us win the War, and then their own people took up arms against their Rulers, partly because they saw their American brothers/sisters do the exact same thing against a tyranny.

    One song I think is amazing, and I don't know if they can ever use it would be:

    "Cloud Burst" from the "Grand Canyon Symphony". Let me know what you all think! I would love to hear people's opinion, and if you all like it, I'll be sure to find music and set up a "script" if you will, no talking though, I hear people don't like the Cadets for that reason... :doh:

  6. Thanks for that comment! It was very thoughtful! I'm a Navy Grad, so it was part of my tour of duty! I'll be out there at the Rose Bowl, I'm from Newport Beach, CA. My brother was in the Cadets, always a big fan! Any site that anyone knows that I can hear their show, besides DCI. Is it that Crazy of a Year this year!?!??

    P.S. I do NOT agree with the war in Iraq, it feels GREAT to say that out loud! Hopefully my superiors don't know I use this site! Ha!

  7. Hey Everyone! I just back from Iraq, and haven't been able to watch any great DCI this past six months. What's going on? I have heard some crazy things that the Cadets might win? I saw their show last year and didn't think they'd be in the top three this year? Is their show that good?!

  8. I have all those "classical piano" albums by B. Joel and I think it would be great to use. But, the only problem I am having...is why use Billy Joel as your inspiration and not play his "classics" not his "classicals". 007 was a great show, but I felt there are sooooooo many good James Bond Theme Concepts that they did not include...especially "Live and Let Die" besides being played in the pit for about 2 bars...it lacked the "James Bond" feel...it was more of a Latin joke of what Bond really is. I know I might be one of the few who are critical of the Cavies...but I am just not a fan of corps doing a name like if the Cadets did John Williams and didn't do his greats like "Jurassic Park", "Star Wars", "Cadillac of the Skies"...etc. Sorry if this is off topic, but I'm just ranting.....

  9. well perhaps if more people new about it and wasn't some darkly held secret that only the few chosen ones who know the story

    and the secret handshake and all that stuff know about... there would be less crappage on the "sacredness" of it.

    I never heard of it... so I could care less.

    so if you care less....then care less.....sorry i just can't stand when people use that phrase...it is supposed to be "I could NOT care less" not I could care less. Sorry for being an English weirdo, but that is just a big pet peeve I have. Also, to go with pet peeves: using the word ignorant incorrectly!

    Sorry for the rant.

    Happy New Year All!

  10. This show was very entertaining, innovative, and just amazing. It was musically astounding with the great arrangements and charts, especially "Liquid". The concept of the show was very intriguing and it worked very well. The color guard invoked the emotion that the brass was pouring out. It was overall one of the best shows of Drum Corps History....PERIOD. Cadets 2006 tried too hard to imitate the perfection of 2005 and add too much that this activity could not handle, at least not yet anyway....2007 should be highly fan-oriented and friendly, but probably not as complex as previous years....we'll see what happens....

  11. Sorry, but "ALICE GET READY FOR A MIND-BLOWING AFTERNOON" is not music.

    I can't believe that that was in a DRUM CORPS show. WTF?

    But I do believe that people choose to be angry...no one can really make another person angry.

    But MAYBE it got other people interested and involved in Drum Corps who wouldn't ever had even thought about it...espn2? i also believe that the cadets did something good since people are still talking about it...what is the saying..."any publicity is good publicity!"

  12. Well, the amplified drum-speak would have been MUCH better unamped, but it was still pretty good. And the amplified singing, while I didn't like it (she completely overpowered the hornline), was the least of my amplification concerns. Once you start speaking words into a microphone, that's where it gets absolutely repulsive.

    Should atheists not be considered citizens or part of this nation? (By the way, most scientists in this country are atheists.)

    don't go that far. you should never use the word MOST unless you have the facts to prove it. sorry, i'm just big on facts...

  13. :rolleyes:

    Probably shouldn't bring this up, but...while I disagree with the other poster that the Cadets were making a political statement with the pledge (that is how it's written, after all), I don't think the words "under God" should be in there. I do very much believe in God, but I don't believe we are "one nation under God." There are plenty of atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, etc. in this country who do not believe in "a God," and I'm pretty sure they are American citizens as well. Keep government and religion completely as completely separate entities...besides, incorporating religion into the government takes away from its majesty relegates it to something much less special.

    ha even though our country was founded by men who believed HEAVILY in GOD and that is what many of our laws are based off....the idea of one GOD. I'm not saying this is RIGHT or WRONG, but that is just how it is. American History for ya.

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