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Kenosha Kingsmen alum

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Posts posted by Kenosha Kingsmen alum

  1. Agreeing with your Crown assessment - so well performed but what is it? Not entertaining.

    Bluecoats rocked - sure do miss their signature swing/jazz books.

    With you on Pacific Crest - very good horns - I like their showI'm a little biased because I was with them at their foundation.

    OC horns get a big thumbs up.

    SCV - 'bones???? Seriously?????? I know they're (stupidly) legal now, but didn't see the value.

    Cavies - as much of a G Bugle fan as I am - the euphonium solo did add a nice unique sound.

    Best show I've ever seen Pioneer put on.

  2. I'm with you on this, Craig. I went to the Dallas Friday show (after a 2 year vacation from corps after being disappointed in '08) and I could have closed my eyes and thought I was listening to the same group only playing a little better as the different corps performed. Same styles of meaningless music. And the addition of synthes playing the first 45-90 seconds with ethereal sound effects to "create a mood" while the corps moves some formation - I wanted to yell out PLAY SOMETHING.

    The only corps that woke me up from this melancholy state was Blue Stars - they made a statement right from the beginning of their performance.

    Unfortunately, Madison wasn't there - t'would have been nice to have heard some recognizable music instead of the syrupy orchestral stuff which never gets "in your face". ( 'Course, some G bugles would help bring that back!! Even BD ain't quite the same since going Bb - my face is still on my head after seeing them.) Face it, a Bb soprano (oh, trumpet) does not put out the same FULL sound of a G soprano bugle.

    Drum corps has changed but certainly not for the better - not for audience appeal.

    And for $30-40 a seat - I can find some other entertainment. It was obvious that fans had to choose which night to attend at those prices - BD, Cadets, Cavies, Madison were at the previous night which I was told was packed out and the Friday show was barely half-filled. A fickle audience that had to decide where to spend the bucks - 2 nights too expensive.

    Would I want goal line to goal line style shows again??? Not on your life! But something entertaining like Phantom, Miss Saigon, Tommy, West Side Story, Wizard of Oz (Sky Ryders), Les Miserables, Rhapsody in Blue, Planets, Dutchmen stuff, jazz/swing from Bluuuuu, crazy VK stuff, Freelancer's DM, Chad, with his energy on the platform, SunCoast Sound, Madison's pirate show, Phantom Regiment power - the list could go on and on of shows that never left the audience yawning like they are now.

    I don't consider myself a prude - I was part of the start-up of a corps in the early 90's - but I'd like to see drum corps once again!!!!!!!!!

    Usually this is the only time I get to see the corps all year. My daughter and I go and my son and I before that. This year I really wasn't looking forward to it. I've been reading all year how XX corps is dull, this show is boring, Drum Corps has died, etc, etc.

    I didn't want to see 12-13 corps that would ruin the activity for me. I grew up watching the shows of the 80's and early 90's and that is my drum corps. I'm not saying one is better then the other but thats what I like.

    Lets put it this way, I didn't want to look behind the curtain because I don't want to see what the wizard looks like. I know things change but right now, from what I read its not close (with the few exceptions) of what I would spend my money on. And its a shame. I really look forward to spending time with my kids talking about something that I did back in the day. But when you see a show today its nothing close.

    Maybe next year when more corps follow what Madison did (8 position jump) and go back to thier roots I'll go watch a show. Until then I'll keep my money in my pocket.

    Just one man's opinion.................

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