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Posts posted by drumbro13

  1. boo hoo. i almost purely hate this forum at times.

    "oh no, mr. delucia! don't say it's so!" my corps had phasing in their feet and their tubas played flat!? NEVER!!!

    always finding something to be critical about. get over it.

    if you march DCI, you're in a competitive sport, where you are judged and told the good and bad things. hell, they have "critical analysis" on cheerleading too, so all of you who whine about this need to build a bridge and get over it.

    <**> to you DCP Liberals

  2. so...

    coats got 2nd in drums on finals night. the finals dvd has the percussion judge audio track for the top 6.

    i was a HUGE fan of their line this year, and would love to hear that on the dvd. with coats just missing 6th, i think this would be a cool added feature for DVD #2. if i were to get enough people to send something in regarding this concern, what would come of this?

    "nope, sorry. try again next year"


    "hmm...yet another reason for fans to buy the dvd!"


  3. Can't wait to go to critique when some of you people are judging. I'm sure all your numbers will be perfectly accurate and nobody will have any complaints about your interpretation of the criteria. Who knew there were so many qualified judges on DCP??

    Sorry for the sarcasm, but I find online complaints singling out judges to be distasteful, immature and devoid of class. (I feel the same way when George Hopkins whines about numbers on his blog.) I just don't agree with calling into question a judge's personal integrity without proof of any intentional wrong doing, OR without that judge's ability to come online and defend themselves. It's a competition and judges are human and they have their opinions just like everyone else. Nobody said we have to agree with them every time, but what's going on here is a borderline witch hunt.

    i'd rather see distasteful, immature, devoid of class posts over being purely naive.

    so you have a gripe with bluecoats, and it's obvious. get over it.

    i could understand if they just had a bad year in the previous, but that's not the case. their colorguard has had some issues this year, but you're going to seriously tell me that one judge out of the many available is seeing certain things?

    sorry, but some of you are just naive and looking for a corps to fail. how many pro sports games have you seen where a ref or ump have made some total BS calls, and the team on the receiving end has had problems with the guy before? i know personally i've seen a ton.

    my solution: get a tape of a performance, sit him in a room with 5 other "well respected" judges, and have them score bluecoats/troopers GE vis or colorguard. THEN if the scores seem a little odd, questioning can proceed.

    i know the scores shouldn't matter, but when i was out there busting my butt to perfect something, i wanted it all. 1st place in everything world champion. i mean, that's some of the point in competition, right? to be the best?

    sorry it's just disheartening. i feel bad for those kids. it's like they're being punished for others stupidity and inability to call someone out and actually take charge of the situation.

  4. harry potter already marched drum corps...

    BK 05

    Bluecoats 06

    jamie engalls (i think that's how you spell his name). he's been known as the "harry potter" of WGI since 03 when he first marched Music City Mystique (for those of you not familiar with WGI, Mystique has won the independent world marching percussion title numerous times). he played bass drum.

    if you don't believe me, look at the cover for the 2006 world championship independent marching DVD's. you'll then see and understand. discussion ended. :P

    oh, and here's the link


  5. Gotcha...oh, btw, want to hear something right ?? Bluecoats will not make top three this year.


    i don't think so either, but now i'd love to see it even more that you said that.

    and BD was more than lucky for winning tonight. they didn't win in GE, Visual, OR Music. ouch. THAT, sir, is right.

    go bloo

  6. well, i hope to see them next weekend in san antonio. i think i'll go to their rehearsal site and check em' out, see what the real dig is. but i've been watching this corps since mike mac got there. i knew he was only going to bring great things to this corps. and now they have an all star staff, not to mention the talent pool is deep, from what i've seen in the past years.

    but please clean up the vis! i want new blood in the top three!

    btw, thanks for keeping this thread actually around topic...everything other thread people get ADD by the second page.

    .blah blah blah blue devils hornline was ju.......oo0oo a birdie!

  7. it seems like everyone around them is going up, but their score is plateauing (not even a word......i think). the only thing that really kept them in 5th at 'boro was the brass score (1st). the drumline and guard had a great start to the season and now they're starting to fall behind. they were last in GE AND visual.

    i already knew music was going to be the strong point for them this season, but seriously...1.5 out of first in GE, and 1.6 behind in vis. i thought after last year their visual woes would fade away this year, but things seem to be going for the worse.

    any thoughts?

  8. i'm sorry, but i haven't been impressed with SCV since casella left. even when murray was still there, it still didn't seem the same. sure, they played some of the same exercises, but the execution wasn't there.

    i think some of the problem is the writing. it seems...strange. there were a lot of battery writing issues last year that i think hurt them. mike jackson writes for them, right? he does an awesome job with Mission Viejo's indoor line, but it seems to me that now he has something else to worry about (i.e. the brass line) it just doesn't line up well. the line is really young too. i think only one person in the snare line is 20 or over.

    i think also if they got rid of that sloppy technique it would help out too. too much excessive motion. seems like everyone is doing something different.

    but enough about this. i wish nothing bad upon any corps, but i'm saying 7th in drums, which will end up doing to them what happened to crown last year.

  9. i'm not all about hearing notes rammed. they're cool in the lot, but seem rather useless in the shows of today.

    think of it this way. would you like to hear some messed up, super fast techno beat to some tchaikovsky? probably not if you're looking for a pure representation of the music.

    now in some cases i will say that a little groove doesn't hurt (cavies 2000) but in something like 06 coats, in their 2nd movement (the jazz one), there's a cool jazzed up horn part in 7/4 and the battery writing just ruins it. they're ramming paradiddle/paradiddle diddle phrases and it totally doesn't fit.

    the drum feature and little hornless featurette parts are where i look for the notes. but when you have the horn line blaring some huge half time push, i think it's good to keep the flam drags and chuchuttas to the drum solos. kinda gets lost and honestly has doesn't contribute much to the book.

    anyone ever seen freelancers 2002 indoor show? the techno part where there is nothing but sick, sick amounts of accents and off beat phrases? THAT'S where the ram belongs. now think of cadets 05 when the drumline is going nuts behind the beautiful horn book. totally unneccesary.

    just my .02

  10. sup all,

    just wanted to say hey. i've read the forum frequently, but never decided to join till recently. marched a couple years of corps, a lot of years of indoor percussion, used to play trumpet (still kinda do, but not really), and can throw a 5 on rifle! (but not clean). hope i can bring some fun to the discussions.

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