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Posts posted by Senisa

  1. Actually, I'm not uptight at all..Probably one of the most outgoing people you could ever meet..And sorry, but being drunk while in uniform isn't something I would be proud of...And since you didn't name the corps in which you marched while being drunk on the field, I guess you don't think to highly of it either. And of course you can stop it..It's called having leadership, maturity, respect, class, etc...If you don't get caught then you assume it's ok..I wonder if the corps director knew about it?? I doubt it..Wonder what would of happen if someone from the stands saw it?? Sorry to tell you, but you were putting your corps at serious risks..All it would take is ONE picture of you or your boyfriend drinking from a flask while in uniform and your corps could be in BIG trouble..Grow up.

    Does that mean Hemingway and Bukowski were horrible writers? Is your art defined by your actions? In that sense, my corps is not listed because I aged out and joined the real world. I still love drum corps but my entire existence isn't defined by dots on a field and notes on a page. I marched. I'm done. Who I am and what I choose to do has nothing to with the image of my corps because I choose for it not to. I choose not to list where I marched because I don't beat around the bush like 99% of the people on here about what the drum corps experience is actually like. The most crude things happen in drum corps. It gets a lot worse than this, ladies and gentlemen.

    And don't worry - as you pointed out, my corps isn't advertised in my signature. They aren't at serious risk for my (and a number of other's) actions because you have no idea who they are.

  2. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band. Band.

    Seriously. Everyone that's said it has a point.

    I was drunk on the field my ageout year. A lot of us just carry flasks out there. It's just the way it was...in 05. And that's not surprising that it's still like that this year.

    My boyfriend was drunk on the finals field in 01, so it's no new occurrence. Just seems like people on DCP are getting more and more uptight every year.

    It happens. You won't be able to stop it by your constant blabbing on DCP. Write a letter and see where it gets you.

  3. As if you didn’t far exceed the quota of brilliance with your comments already, 84skyrydr. Congratulations, that’s hard to do in a place like this!

    So everyone hates the Cadets because they have a story line being told. People have even WISHED for the person doing the narration, to succumb to breast cancer. REALLY. People are that completely STUPID. We all know that the Cadets will have narration and then when we hear it, we act surprised and insulted. REALLY. I am assuming then, that the crowd response would be positive towards the Cadets if they didn't have narration? SOOOOOOO, where is all this venom and hate for the SECOND biggest talking corps ( with pathetic mics that only work once in a while ) You know the BLUUUUUEECOATS. Maybe they aren't blooing and they are booing? I think I could understand the Rocky theme WITHOUT narration. I won't even wish that the narrator gets punchdrunk, but I will call the Bluecoats, the junior Cadets. Come on, hate one, hate all. I have never in my lifetime thought that the people in DCI would be such low life morons as to wish cancer on someone for narrating, or ANYTHING else. People crying and whining because ten, oops, twenty minutes of their experience has someone talking during it. Its called a bathroom break. Go buy some souvies, get some popcorn, ignore the show. THAT IS OK. Wishing death upon someone IS NOT. Please leave DCI, if you are that insane. Seek help. Anyone wants to know who and where, go to the Madison thread, around page 80-100. Until then, keep enjoying the Rocky talk.........

    I have gone back and read all ten pages of this thread and probably close to 70 or 80 of 84skyrydr’s recent posts, so no one can say I didn’t do my research!

    About the cancer comment, as it is something that I think has fairly easily been brushed off by the DCP community so far (only minus 84skyrydr and a select other few), I don’t think that it needs much more explaining than this: It was completely tongue in cheek. Who in their right mind would take that comment seriously? Maybe you should reevaluate who needs to “seek help,” 84skyrydr.

    Yes, I have been affected by cancer on both sides of my family and yes it is recommended that I begin getting mammograms at the age of 25, rather than 40, because of this (since you were so curious). I have a great aunt surviving and a grandmother who died of cancer but I do not sit here and let paranoia and sensitivity affect my personal sense of humor in everyday discussion. I don’t walk on eggshells to please those who are paranoid and sensitive and who don’t understand my sense of humor. It’s just ridiculous to sit here and make assumptions like that and call someone a moron, or low, or an idiot, or…God forbid…a vermin. I won’t apologize for my statements and I have a feeling I won’t look back on them and regret as they were not written in a serious manner at all.

    Stop taking life so seriously. We don’t laugh like it’s 1984 anymore.

    On to what is supposed to be the point of this topic (but obviously turned into 84skyrder’s #####fest)…Here are a few words from a good man named Noah Webster:


    2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

    Here are a few words from a case (taken from another thread) that perfectly exemplifies this word:

    They are just offensive to us polite, happy and carefree people who boo, ridicule and make fun of anything they do. Its not enough for us to simply NOT like a show. We must rant and rave and catcall, make up polls to prove our own agenda, and boo, because it doesn't sound like something from thirty years ago.


    I don't have to boo, or belittle or anything else.

    Polite happy and carefree? Don’t have to belittle anything?

    Oh my. Iceman was right – seek help for delusion.

    The Cadets’ narration: I’m not surprised it's there and I’m not surprised it's bad. I marched five years in this decade. I marched in a corps (that you can probably guess) who used narration several times in one show I marched. I marched in a corps that (in my opinion) used it to where it was, at best, okay. I like narration in drum corps sometimes; sometimes I don’t. I actually really liked the narration in the 05 and 06 Cadets shows.

    I do not like the narration in The Cadets' show this year. If I went to a show and cheered my ### off for it, that would be hypocrisy.

    Just because an opinion is subjective (meaning modified by experience, preference or observation) does not indicate hypocrisy. Have we really not learned that here yet? :tongue:

    It’s really clear through other posts made by 84skyryder that he’s not a fan of amplification and he’s actually going so far as to ‘age out’ and boycott shows after this year. It does not surprise me that he has posted yet another amplification thread and has turned it into a way to vent his personal issues and attack a couple members of this public forum.

    After reviewing the DCP Community Guidelines, I really expect this thread to be closed. It’s becoming pretty pathetic to read this constant rant targeted toward me while I refuse to revoke my statements. This will go nowhere.

    On one final note, I am so very glad most of us write like educated people with proper grammar and spelling these days; apparently they didn’t do that in 1984 and skyrydr84 is fighting that movement as well.

    My journalism professors would be proud.

    Waits patiently and ups her ante on this thread being closed very quickly. :tongue:

  4. Perhaps George has a social agenda.

    I definitely agree with this theory. A friend of mine and I were talking this weekend about this very thing. This may ring badly, but I don't know how else to phrase it...How do people still flock to The Cadets knowing that they're just George's little pawns in s#it stirring in order to change this activity? Or are people just that oblivious?

    I respect the traditional (brass, percussion and colorguard) for how brilliantly they perform, but I can't even bring myself to respect what George Hopkins is doing here.

    Really sorry if that came across and raised some hell, it wasn't intended to.

  5. I'm getting sick and tired..tired and sick of people calling those that don't like the direction of the activity dinosaurs. Just because we don't like things doesn't make us a dinosaur, it means we don't like something.

    I'm not old school, I learned about the activity in 1980, there were 21 class A and all girl corps, 44 corps in Prelims at championships. I marched in 1984..Go Bones. I grow up on Niner Two, New York Fantasy, T.O., Channel One Suite and others. I heard real drum solo's not breaks. Guards that didn't dance around for 75% of the show but did actual equipment work.

    Today we don't even have a top 25 but 17. Why because we don't have 25 corps. And everytime I read "but corps are better then they were in 19?? or 20??" one more time I'll pimp slap someone. Guess why..Corps in 1972 were better then those in 1969. 1975 was better then 1972, 1984 was better then 1980, And guess what...2008 is better then all those years. It better be or something is seriously wrong. Heck I was better today then I was yesturday.

    So when we're looking at the last 12 super corps and we can say theres not alot of them but there better then the ones in 2012 enjoy it. You won't be saying it in 2015. And us "dinosaurs" will be looking down saying we told you so.

    I'M A DINOSAUR!!! RAWR!!!!! :-P

  6. Is it just me or has the quality of DCI declined significantly in the past two years? To me it doesn't seem to be the level of talent among the members of the corps that is lacking, but in the the designs of the shows themselves. It is especially apparent this year in the top 6 or 7 corps (Cavaliers, Blue Devils, Cadets, etc...). The narration in the Cadets' show is an unmitigated disaster, the level of sophistication in the BD and Cavalier shows is that of a high school marching band. The only two shows I saw with any sort of potential were SCV and Bluecoats, but even their shows have significant design flaws.

    Here are a few specific things that I think need to be done in order to reverse this trend of vapidity and save DCI from destroying itself:

    - NO MORE AMPS. period. Yes, there have been corps that have used them tastefully, but this narration crap has to end NOW.

    - NO MORE MEDLEYS. This is something that only the music arrangers can fix. For once I would like to hear a complete song. Nothing sucks the life out of me more than listening to medleys. A perfect example is the Bluecoats' show this year. There was absolutely no reason in the world to mix in clips of "On The Waterfront" between the Rocky music. Very difficult to listen to and it makes no sense thematically.

    - MORE MEMORABLE MUSIC. No more of this arcane and abstract crap that seems to go on forever. Maybe it will impress a bunch of highs choolers, but it's growing old on me. Also, no more shot notes every 5 bars, and no more drum breaks that last forever while the horn line is off in the back corner doing choreography just for the sake of doing choreography. If you pick music that people are familiar with, the will be able to relate to it more. You can still do a lot of crowd pleasing stuff without sacrificing difficulty.

    - NO MORE PROPS. They're distracting to look at and they take up too much space on the field that could be used for drill. I have never seen a show where I thought the props enhanced the show in ANY way. If you need props (and narration for that matter) to help the audience understand the theme of your show, it's probably going to be a bad show anyway.

    I hope there is someone out there who understands what I'm talking about here. With the exception of one or two shows, I felt 2007 was a bad year for DCI and I didn't think it could get any worse until I saw this year's shows. I know this whole post sounds very negative and pessimistic, and I know there's a whole brigade of pollyannas out there who will disagree with me, but I feel DCI is slowly metastasizing in to some sort of nightmare out of a BOA contest.

    What does everyone else think?

    I'M A DINOSAUR!!! RAWR!!!!! :-P

  7. That's cool man. Just trying to get the point across.

    All my best to the Bluecoats this year. Seeing them at Blue Debut makes me really excited to see what they do with this package. It's a fabulous concept and I'm looking forward to a great improvement from last year, as we all hope for every year. Go Blooo!

  8. Curtis Costanza had a problem with Jamie Oakley. Jamie Oakley's gone and I don't think that Costanza's scoring can be used as too much of an excuse anymore.

    Much more difficult book? That's so much more of a respectable answer for the visual problems. Don't cop out on blaming a judge with old beef (that no longer applies) that isn't even judging the caption they were hammered in.

    Come on now. Let 04-07 go.

  9. No hate here. I've been a long-time fan and follower and I respect what they're doing.

    In my following, I noticed such a great volume of hype last year all the way up until the end. This season, there is significantly less. Is the staff keeping them quiet?

    I know they're very young this year and, having been a part of an extremely young corps myself (with high hopes), I know that it's not easy tom keep quiet with a show designed to win. Were they humbled by the other talent surrounding them last year or is the show just designed as a rebuilder for this year?

    I know that sounds really bad and I sincerely don't want to hate, but I don't really know how to convey what I'm trying to ask.

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